Positive Thinking > ? Movement ?

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Here you go... the radio show was pretty cool, lapsed into and out of it.


Date: 01-07-14

Host: George Noory

Guests: Mitch Horowitz, Catherine Austin Fitts

Well-known voice of occult and esoteric ideas, Mitch Horowitz, discussed his research into the history and prevalence of

the positive thinking movement in America. As he looked at a variety of modern and ancient inspirational literature, he

kept coming across the principle that thoughts are causative. "What we think, and what we continually dwell on has

some authentic, and concrete effect on our actual experiences," not just on a psychological level but in our lives out in

the world such as in jobs and relationships, he argued. But for positive thinking to work, people have to take actions to

accompany it-- you can't just be sitting in an armchair, he added.

He cited Ronald Reagan as an example of someone who was immersed in positive thinking, along with some occult

philosophies. "Reagan was a model of self-belief, and he found the ability in personal circumstances or when he was

facing personal difficulties to define himself in the strongest terms possible." Yet, Horowitz also noted that not

everything that happens to us is the result of thoughts. "I don't believe there's anyone listening who hasn't seen

somebody suffer an illness, or hasn't seen an innocent life snuffed out," he said, adding that we don't live under just

one "mental super-law or law of attraction"-- we live under many laws and forces of which the mind is one.

One of his favorite treatises on positive thinking is a little pamphlet called It Works from 1926. It contains one simple

exercise-- make a list of your desires, and revise the list until you think you really have it right. Study it three times a

day-- morning, noon, and night. Don't talk to anybody about it-- and "watch what happens!" Horowitz finds this

particularly useful because it allows us to tap into what our true goals are, which may have become suppressed. For

more, check out his mini-documentary: "One Simple Idea: A Short History of Positive Thinking." Horowitz also touched

on his study of occult ideas and practices in America.

New Head of the Fed

First hour guest, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts talked about the confirmation of Janet Yellin as the new

head of the Federal Reserve. Yellin is well-qualified for the position, Fitts commented, but the challenge she's going to

face is dealing with the two sides of the financial equation-- the federal budget, and the monetary policy which the

Federal Reserve manages. The fiscal situation has really gotten out of hand in recent years as "we've had a lot more

popularity for solving our problems with debasement of our currency than with balancing the budget," she remarked.

News segment guests: Dr. Peter Breggin, John R. Lott





•One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life

•Occult America: White House Seances, Ouija Circles, Masons, and the Secret Mystic History of Our Nation


Got to get more informed relistening to show to expound on this but in general the "American Gansta Drifts" makes life a experience of being ball busted just because they can do so. Not the positive thing that works for me, especially the mixed messages for what?

All in all, just like to be around a/the/one positive scene that is REAL and leads to nice present activities and prepares for activities that are well if capacity diminishes some, feel a little clearer in head, trying to go vegtables and fruit, fresh, and water (what I always forget to drink) for January because better gets my attention.

St. George 'n the Dragon - Solider of Fatune [around] Fatima (Persia), what have you on Antique Fatune Soliders? We got Solider of Fortune today.

Gansta Type Message, first song, Church -


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