"trials" - Spiritual Understanding, Ministering, Safety, Psyco

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"Where ever you happen to be, well, that's exactly where you are" - Southern expression.

Re: Ministering to and finding Sanctuary for psychopaths.

Last nights radio show was over the top in explaining people and mind, I'd like to offer it back to you all so your understandings and Ministry can grow.

Here is how we deal with it in Hawaii, if we are lucky, there are more severe ways to deal with very heavy psychopath circumstances.

http://hopehi.com catches the 'minnow' psychopaths from court and grows them into 'whales'. These people serve the forensic community of psychopaths very nicely as the court orders or volunteers allow for service. We emancipate the most we can out here.

Here is the 'nicest' little place to be held, http://www.kahimohala.org/ Lonely, 'court order psycopaths' have the harshest time here - no friends, no money, no family, the place becomes more a 'Nazi Mohella'.

Volunteer admission get little better then a 24 hour release from Dr. Jacobs. Otherwise it is difficult to not be seen in terms of your condition and circumstances (illegal by modern mental health standards) and found by staff, always, inappropriate or - go to your room. O.K. enough, but not real SANCTUARY for the psychopath yet. All things being equal, "Lucky you stay Hawai'i".

Follow on, wait for the youtube post to emerge or join coasttocoastam.com as insider and get instant access to past shows.


In the latter half, James Fallon, an award-winning neuroscientist at the University of California, Irvine, told about his shocking discovery that his brainscan perfectly matched a pattern he’d found in the brains of serial killers. Specifically, the pattern shows a lesion-type area in the limbic system, which involves emotional regulation and empathy. While a person with this pattern wouldn't necessarily be a psychopath, they would typically show impulsivity, and unusual or poorly modulated emotions, he explained. For Fallon, this played out as hypomania, thrill-seeking, and risk taking behaviors, though he always felt he could regulate his behavior, and not act out on the most negative impulses.

Intriguingly, he argued that some of the US presidents such as FDR, JFK, and Reagan scored high in psychopathic traits that actually can be desirable to have in a leadership position, such as high social energy, fearlessness, and dominance. About 1-2% of people have a degree of psychopathy, with about 10% of the population showing borderline traits. When this plays out as violence, these people often end up in jail, though some of the smarter psychopaths, such as certain serial killers, are able to hide their behaviors and attitudes, and evade capture, Fallon detailed. Some killers go through long cycles in which they don't act out, but when violent urges build up they can suddenly strike, he noted.


So, all, you, all! Join me in the service and occupation of being a Co-Occurring Condition First Responder and establish Sanctuary through understanding first and visiting psychopaths for a little hope and a lot of light second.





Edited by RayCalculaMinistraDeGezza
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