Interesting Take On Pater Noster

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I read widely, and was re-reading a book of short science fiction from the 1950's.

One of those stories is The Star Dummy by Anthony Boucher

In the story an alternate version of the Our Father is provided which (to me anyhow) is striking. I provide it here for your inspection.

Lifegiver over us, there is blessing in the word that means you. We pray that in time we will live here under your rule as others now live with you there; but in the meantime feed our bodies, for we need that here and now. We are in debt to you for everything, but your love will not hold us accountable for this debt; and so we too should deal with others, holding no man to strict balances of account. Do not let us meet temptations stronger than we can bear; but let us prevail and be free of evil.

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