Prayers For Uganda

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Please pray and if your moved to write a letter, the Ugandan government is proposing a bill that is violation of human rights. I copied a alert I received and instructions to send an email to Justin R. Cannon Founder & Director Inclusive Orthodoxy, who in turn will forward them to the Church of England.

God Bless,


I am writing to ask you to join me in taking IMMEDIATE ACTION.

There is a bill currently before Uganda's Parliament that includes some of the harshest anti-gay regulations in the world. If the bill were to become law, doctors could be prosecuted for "aiding and abetting homosexuality." I read today anti-gay Rick Warren’s condemnation of this bill, and a statement from The Vatican (of all places!) which condemns “all forms of violence and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons, including discriminatory penal legislation which undermines the inherent dignity of the human person.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Church of England have remained silent on this bill, citing “intensive and private” talks. They, however, have quite publicly spoken out against the recent consecration of the Episcopal Church’s second openly gay and partnered bishop. To speak out against a loving relationship and remain silent about this bill that could harm thousands is a moral failure.

Let’s take action! NOW!

Join me in writing the Archbishop of Canterbury. See my letter below, write your own, then please email it or fax it to me. On Monday, I will take all these letters and mail them together to the Archbishop of Canterbury. There are over three hundred people on this Inclusive Orthodoxy mailing list. If even just 100 of us wrote letters, that would be a powerful statement. Even a short letter is better than nothing.

Join me in taking action now. Once your letter is written, email me at to fax, mail, or email it to me. Together our voices will be heard.


Justin R. Cannon

Founder & Director

Inclusive Orthodoxy


The Most Reverend Rowan Williams

Archbishop of Canterbury

Lambeth Palace

Your Grace:

My name is Justin Cannon and I am a postulant for the priesthood in the Episcopal Church of the United States. I am also the founder of Inclusive Orthodoxy (, an outreach ministry which asserts that in order to be faithful to the Holy Scriptures and the Gospel we must adhere to the orthodox Christian faith, as professed in the creeds and councils, while also being radically inclusive as Christ was.

I am disappointed in your silence with regard to Uganda’s pending bill against homosexuality. I was stunned to read that you have publicly criticized the loving relationship of a lesbian bishop here in the U.S., while remaining silent about this law that could damage the lives of thousands of Ugandans.

I was shocked to see today that the Vatican and anti-gay minister Rick Warren have both spoken out publicly against the Ugandan bill, while Canterbury has remained silent.

The Vatican read a statement to a United Nations panel on anti-gay violence which expressed opposition to “all grave violations of human rights against homosexual persons, such as the use of the death penalty, torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment,” as well as opposition to “all forms of violence and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons, including discriminatory penal legislation which undermines the inherent dignity of the human person.”

Rick Warren has called the bill “terrible” and explained, “The potential law is unjust, extreme and un-Christian toward homosexuals…all life, no matter how humble or broken, whether unborn or dying, is precious to God.” He also urged Ugandan pastors to publicly condemn the bill.

The only word I have heard from Canterbury is that you are in “intensive and private” talks about this matter. I hope that talks will lead to public statements at least as direct and powerful as those coming from the Vatican and Rick Warren. Anything less will not only be gravely disappointing, but a failure of Canterbury’s moral leadership.


Justin R. Cannon

Inclusive Orthodoxy

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