City Streets


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In the field of stone and concrete

Each day new frozen footsteps

Trudge the reminder of his blood

Into Oblivion.

The jungle as if a tombstone

Graceless wonder hiding forgotten names

Faces carved in no one’s memory

Those who lived and died

Without a voice.

How in any vision of reality

Where the continuation of life and

Threat of death being near the same

Could the former be but stark emptiness

The latter as a preferable end

In an unmoving swirl of helplessness

That eats away at the soul

And erodes their will to live

And the godless and self-proclaimed godly alike

Turn their heads and turn away

The sight of broken birds and fallen angels

Gnawing at their lack of conscience

To care.

One more death, to them, is like

Another dried leaf

Crunched under sturdy boots of apathy

And blown away in the wind.

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