I recently received this picture from a former neighbor, Mr. John Hughes, a life-long resident of Hampton, VA. It's such a beautiful shot of the waters I grew up on (and miss terribly), that I decided to use it here as my avatar. The shot is titled "Sunrise on the Bay", but it's actually a shot of a sunrise over Hampton Creek, in Hampton, VA. (Natives refer to the body of water between Hampton and Norfolk as "The Bay" but, technically, it's The Hampton Roads- The World's Greatest Natural Harbor.) In the foreground of the picture is a gull flying just off-shore of one of the few stretches of sand beach along the entire shore (most of it is pebble, shell, and rip-rap). In the background is the famous Fortress Monroe, noted as the prison where Confederate President Jeff Davis was imprisoned while awaiting his trial for treason against the United States. Fort Monroe was an active US Army post from 1834 until it was de-commissioned in 2011. In 2011, President Obama designated Fortress Monroe as a national monument. Please be advised that John has copyrighted this shot, and granted me permission to use it here in this forum.