Odd the discussions that come up between ministers. In our area - the ministers of all faiths come together every few weeks for a minister's meeting. It gives us a chance to get to know one another - share resources and work jointly on community issues. Someone raised the topic of length of their worship service (two hours long) as being the "right" amount of time a worship service should last as it allows enough time for moving musical interludes (hymns) and allows him time to "fully develop" the message. His congregation, he claims, wants their money's worth and they don't want it to be shorter in length. In our church the service usually last about 40 or 45 minutes which includes three songs and announcements at both the beginning and end of the service (longest listening time to someone "just talking" at any one point is under 15 minutes)....and that works well for us.... Now I am curious - what is the "norm" for worship service in terms of time? How many hymns are "average"? How long would you consider idea if you were attending a worship service? Von