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  1. Just wanted to get my own intro in here. I joined the site just this morning. So... on to the intro I guess... I'm in my mid-40s, Pagan since 1990 and interested in working on religious comparison and tolerance, particularly in the last few years. My Southern Baptist husband and I have been married for 22 years now without any religious conflict. I have one adult son who is currently undecided. So many people are leaning towards dealing with weddings and blessings, which are important and fantastic. But I feel there is a whole side being overlooked in the pagan community that deals with crisis. I'm here because I'd like to focus on study that will lead me towards doing alternative pastoral duties in hospitals and funeral rites, and pagan related counseling for those who are having trouble dealing with the passing of a loved one. I don't feel ready for such until I've gained a bit more proper study to that effect. I'm working through the social work side through other programs but would like to focus on the spiritual side as well. Anyway, greetings, well met and hope to see you all around.