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About Pegasuss

Helpful Information

  • Marital Status
    Still Waiting For One Special Guy!
  • Location
    The Twilight Zone

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Knowledge, Truth, Cooking, Wine, Entertaining, People, Music, Friends, Hugging, Cuddling, Kissing, Friends,
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Spirituality of Self

Other Details

  • Occupation
    Fool, still looking for Love

Pegasuss's Achievements

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Cherished Friend (10/17)

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  1. is still alive and still looking for the one, actually found him and he ran screaming, lol, He's afraid of my age?

    1. RevTom


      Hi-just saw you perusing the illegal aliens post

    2. Pegasuss


      lol, haven't been on in a long time, the topic interest me, with living in a sanctuary city.