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Everything posted by robin

  1. Thank you for sharing this story!
  2. Thanks for the welcome Rev Ed.
  3. Thank you both for your comments.
  4. Thank you RevRainbow. I am always open to learning new and different things. I am open to discuss almost any topic with anyone as long as I'm not expected to suddenly change to someone else's belief or told I'm wrong for not doing so. That is why I appreciate the ULC.
  5. I grew up in a military family. When my father was stationed in Germany at a small base, we went to church as we did off and on. I was confused to find out that the person preaching the Protestant service was the Catholic priest. In North Carolina, we went to chruch (off and on). I became confused and began to reject their teachings. I was a child and went to Sunday school where we learned about Jesus and how we were to love everyone and how God was so kind and so on. Afterwards, forced to sit through an hour long service listening to how we were all condemed to hell and that we were unworthy. Which should I have believed in? My parents are from Georgia. When we came back to the US we went to church (again, as we did off an on). A couple of times we went to a Southern Baptist churce, one my mother's family attended. It was not the type of service I cared to attend regularly. When we were moved to NC again. I began "missing" church, while this was frowned upon by my folks, I didn't care. I saw no reason to believe in a God that was so cruel, that couldn't make up it's mind if people were of any worth or not. I had learned about Greek mythology while in Germany, it seemed that the Christian God was no better than the jealous and vengeful Gods and Goddesses of the ancient world. I was invited by a friend to a Sunday school of sorts for Catholics (sorry, I don't remember the correct term, no disrespect intended). I was surprised that this was pretty much an all day "class". We went to a Catholic service at some point. The most I remember of this event was the leader of the class reading from a book written by an exorcist. Since then I've been to a Jewish home blessing, a Samhain "ceremony", MCC church, Universalist Unitarian (or is it Unitarin Universalist, sorry, I get the sequence confused), and a few other religious events. I've discussed religious topics with agnostics and atheistis, and pagans as well as those from the major religions. My belief system? I try to take the best of each and combine it into something I can believe in. Why did I get ordained? I know there is a thread asking this question. For me the answer is I too did it to prove something, but I tend to take this much more seriously now.