Rev. Shannon

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About Rev. Shannon

  • Birthday 10/25/1977

Helpful Information

  • Marital Status
    Longterm relationship- wedding pending
  • Location

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    I love to read just about anything I can get my hands on. I love to learn new things and have pursued a couple of different careers, never finished college though! I can't make up my mind! I am loving being a new mom and can't wait to be a wife. I love planning our wedding, which is what got me into deciding to be a wedding coordinator, which brought me here! I am enjoying all the people I have met here, and am very happy to be following this new path.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation

Other Details

  • Occupation
    wedding coordinator
  • Website URL

Contact Methods

  • MSN
    Rev. Shannon
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New Friend (3/17)

  1. Well I finished my book, "The Devil Wears Prada" and now I can't wait to watch the movie! It was funny and cute. I liked it, it made me feel like maybe my job isn't so bad! Good quick read! On to "Decipher" by Stel Pavlou, borrowed and recommended by a person I work with! We will see how it goes! Happy Reading Rev. Shannon
  2. I am reading "The Devil Wears Prada" the book the movie is based on. Not intellectual reading, but that is why I picked it up. Sometimes it is refreshing to give the ole' knoggin a break ya know! I am actually also reading a book on Meditation and a couple of other spiritual books for my more intellectual selections! Happy Reading everyone! Rev. Shannon
  3. I enjoyed many of the books previously mentioned, but would like to add: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks. Excellent reads. They were my first look into Sci/Fi. I love them. I may just go back and re read them after reading all these posts!