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Everything posted by jforrest

  1. With deepest sympathy, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of sorrow. John Forrest
  2. I'm a long-time ULC minister. I became ordained out of necessity in 1972. I'm a school teacher and with the help of the local Health Department, a local church, and even the USAF, myself and a few colleagues started a free clinic for teens where they could get medical assistance with drug problems, STD's and birth control. Well, my Vice Principal got wind of it and demanded that within the month I produce a list of the names of all students of our school who came to the clinic for drug problems. I checked with my attorney and I did not have any way of witholding this info. So, I became ordained through ULC---in those days it was by mail--- and refused to supply the list of names on the grounds that it would violate a trust betewwn a minister and his flock. On appeal to the Board of Education attorney, it stood as legal confidentiality and I (we) were off the hook. John