Jason ON

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Posts posted by Jason ON

  1. Living With Honour


    Living With Honour is a provocative and uncompromising exploration of how Paganism can provide the philosophical guidance to live honourably in a twenty-first Western society.

    Part One explores the history of Paganism, its undercurrents of anarchy, heresy, environmentalism and animism, finding its place within the history of Western philosophy. Questioning the morality of some reaches of modern Paganism, it presents a context of nature-based animistic Paganism, and proffers a contemporary understanding of honour.

    Part Two addresses key moral issues from that animistic perspective, beginning with the foundation of human relationships and attitudes towards the Other. It considers how these play out in our practical relationships with friends, colleagues, children and those with whom we have an intimate bond, including the love affair, commitment and polyamory. Exploring how we value life, it looks first at human life, dying, suicide and euthanasia, birth, abortion and IVF. It then examines the human abuse of nonhuman animals, discussing sentience, personhood and inherent value. Considering the environment, it explores the worldview of nature as a resource, and presents an animistic understanding of nature’s sanctity, and how sustainable relationship can be achieved. Finally, it focuses on current global crises, exploring need as opposed to desire. While ethics may be agreed, willingness to compromise desire for ethics is less easy.

    Part Three explores the factors that hinder ethical action, allowing careless passivity: fear, habit, a sense of impotence and a disconnection from the environment. It considers free will and the powerful fuel of deep inspiration. This is the first book to give an account of ethics from a pagan viewpoint for the modern world.

    Author: Emma Restall Orr

    Just wanted to know if it was any good.

  2. For those of you who are Wheel of Time fans, I just wanted to let you know Robert Jordan passed away on Sept 16th.

    The final book in the series was incomplete and as far as I can tell there is no rush from the publisher or his family to complete his works, right now. Of course, they may be discussing this as we all wait patiently.

    Here is Robert Jordan's official blog with the most recent posting by his wife and fans regarding his passing and funeral.

    *I did perform a search under "Robert Jordan" before posting this, in case this is a double post.

  3. ~ Most religions have had their turn at being abused & used & misused by political factions.

    It still happens today...

    This isn't an example of being used by a political faction but rather this is an example of religion being the political faction.

  4. I'm watching this right now. It's actually quite interesting. I constantly amazed at the atrocities committed by christians who rely on religion instead of law to govern their lives. No wonder it was called the dark ages when christianity ruled the world. (Yes I know the Salem trials were not during the dark ages)

  5. I read an article that said the director was trying to keep to the graphic novel's story and art and that he had some concerns with giving the queen more of a role, but in the end, it's fairly faithful to the book. Not having read the book, I'm not sure how accurate it is.

  6. Sky,

    A friend of mine who lives in Westminster sold a song a couple of years ago. She said she posted the lyrics on some website for writers and a song producer bought it from that website. I can get the information if you're interested, or I can put you in touch with her.