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About revbruce

  • Birthday April 22

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  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    married, with children
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  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Universal Life

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Esteemed Friend (7/17)

  1. I sent the town clerk an email and cited the appropriate NY state law authorizing ULC ministers to perform marriages in New York state and asked that they remove that language from the application. We'll see what I hear back.
  2. Will keep you in prayer and send healing energy.
  3. It's stories like that that make me realize how important it is that we continue to ordain any and all who ask.
  4. Everything seems to be working in firefox now. Thanks to our great tech crew.
  5. As I stated in the other thread, RTE does not work in the reply area when using firefox 3.5.1 , safari 4.0.2 RTE doesn't work in the signature line editor in those browsers or google chrome Hope that helps. = (
  6. this isn't the whole song, but it is hilarious.
  7. What about "Walk Away" or "Turn to Stone"or "Funk #49"... Joe is nowhere near a one hit wonder.
  8. I guess it would depend on what counts as a hit? If we count top 10 then they had one if we count top 20 they had 2. I've always liked "Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe" by Whale.
  9. "No Rain", not to be confused with "Purple Rain". And while it was actually FOW, who wants to equate the syrupy pop in "That Thing You Do" with the band that gave us "Stacy's Mom"? Edited to add- Who can forget Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky"? Shalom, Bruce
  10. He'll be playing DFest in Tulsa on the 28th. sings "I'm up on a high wire..." Edited to add..."Billy Don't Be a Hero" Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods (US version). "The Night Chicago Died" - Paper Lace (Had a hit version of the above song in the UK).
  11. Chelino's isn't kosher, such a naughty boy. 1 week to DFest!!!!