In my studies of various spiritual paths, I have come to Shamanism. I have always felt the need to enter a Spiritual State of Consciousness. Having had one horrific childhood, that is only natural to find a coping mechanism. However, as I am much older, and have done enough work already dealing with that childhood, I find that I prefer to continue exploring my Spritual Potential. Here's my problem: I am diabetic, and a severe enough fast is beyond my reach. I continue to listen to the drum, but havent achieved a Shamanic Trance yet. I have considered using a plant helper, but do not know the best one that wont mess with my prescription medications. Of course, I'm talking about Legal Plant Helpers here. I will have to study up on Salvia Divinorum, and find out if it is Legal, and see what counteractions I would have to watch for. If I do, then I will have a medically knowledgeable friend keep an eye on my vitals while I Journey. Thank you for your posting of such helpful Shamanic Journey information. I will keep you posted on my progress so that others with Diabetes can learn from it. Love to Learn Learn to Love Rev. Jeri Stewart