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About ReverendDaveULC

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I am grateful for Jesus Christ who loved us enough to die so we may have eternal life.
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Born again Christian
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Revelations Chapter 17 explained
ReverendDaveULC replied to ReverendDaveULC's topic in Monotheist Theologies & Scriptures
Look, i do not know it all, far from it, and I am very humble. I do not claim to know it all but what I do know I back up with actual facts from multiple sources so that way people dont have to believe my word. They can go check it for themselves and can then come to their own conclusions but all the while realizing that it is NOT my opinion but indeed facts. You enjoy debating and thats fine as do I when there is something to debate. What you do is not debating. You feel the need to assume how I am feeling (hostile, offended, or anything else of that nature when in factvI am not but if you say it enough times maybe you think people will believe you. When I chose to say I was done discussiong this stuff with you you claim it was because I was offended and weakskinned. This alsi is incorrect. I chose to stop"debating" with you because i have delt with your type before. If I say its black you'll say its charcoal. If i say it stinks in here you'll say its fragrant. Everything I say you will argue it to be something else. This benefits noone other than maybe yourself in the thinking that your so "witty" This is not only childish but foolish as well. I speak with facts backed up by multiple sources, people like you argue back with no facts of their own, only nitpicking and accusations and assumption. It is not weakskinned to withdraw myself from these types of foolish discussions. It would be weakskinned to let my emotions control me into continuing to have a battle of wits with an unarmed individual. Please dont take that as a rude insult but as fact. You have offered no real intellect or facts into our discussion, only slanderous accusations of me being hostile for your beliefs or weakskinned or any of the other things you have accused me of being or doing. I am quite done with you sir. I bear no ill will or hostility but unless you want to add something meaningful and factful that maybe I could investigate for myself then this conversation is quite over. I hope and pray you truely find what you are looking for and maybe then you'll have something better to do then pick silly debates (arguments) with people that are just trying to "do only that which is right". Good day sir -
Revelations Chapter 17 explained
ReverendDaveULC replied to ReverendDaveULC's topic in Monotheist Theologies & Scriptures
And if deseating Kings and declaring themselves more powerful then Kings of the nation and Emperors is not power hungry, then I don't know what is. Pope Gregory the 7th from the middle brand humbled Emperor Henry IV. In 1076 he called a council of bishops and proclaimed that the emperor could no longer rule his kingdom. Why? Because the emperor did not agree with the Pope. This is history. And what you speak of, green, celery as a matter of opinion? No sir, I have to call bs. That is nothing more than trying your hardest to disagree with absolutely everything and just be a hinderence for lack of something better to do. You claim you listen to people in hopes of finding truth of something you didnt know but in reality you dont want to find any truth, you just want to pick it apart, no matter how much fact is thrown in your face. I am not being hostile here, just giving my opinion as you have so graciously done to every single one of my posts -
Revelations Chapter 17 explained
ReverendDaveULC replied to ReverendDaveULC's topic in Monotheist Theologies & Scriptures
No, its not an opinion. It is fact. Do you think the leader of "the Holy Church" should run a house of prostitution. Pope Sixtus IV in 1471 did(historical fact) Pope Alexander VI from 1492-1503 held orgies in his palace and kept mistresses who who married woman.(historical fact) Pope John XXIII 1410-15 made his brothers wife his mistress. The Catholic encyclopedia says "He was utterly worldlyminded, ambitious, crafty, unscrupulous, and immoral" Catholic Encyclopedia's words, not mine. He was convicted by the Council of Constance of some 55 crimes including the murder of his predecessor; Pope Alexander V, rape, sodomy, and incest. That covers sin filled. Rome gathered to itself increasing power and by the beginning of the 2nd millennium, it controlled practically all of Europe, religiously and politcally. "In the tenth century the dominion of the Roman Pope had exceedingly obscure, and taken possesion of, nearly all the churches in Europe, so that everything had to be done according to his pleasure, both in spiritual and secular governments; hence, great darkness prevailed at this time." (Quoted from Martyrs Mirror page 248) again, not my opinion but written fact about concietment and power. I have many many more example if youd like, all backed up fact, not my opinion. -
Once again you are telling me that I took offense. Im telling you I take no offense to anything you have to say. Your opinion is your opinion and it is just that, an opinion. As I said before and have tried to expalin by showing you in black and white by definition that my posts were located properly bit even with PROOF staring you in the face you still choose to tell me its not fitted there. If I had access to the pulpit section I would have posted there but I did not so I made and educated decision based on dictionary definition of the words used to describe the forums. No matter what I do or say you will find faults with it. Im not sure why, or why you think I take offense or consider you hostile but again I can assure you that Im not but if it make you feel better to label me and tell me and others how you think Im feeling then have at it brother.
Revelations Chapter 17 explained
ReverendDaveULC replied to ReverendDaveULC's topic in Monotheist Theologies & Scriptures
I appreciate that kind sir -
No matter how friendly I attempt to be and no matter how non judgemental my response is someone always seems to take it out of context. I was being extremely friendly and you call me callous. Wow. All I can say is wow. Everything I say seems to offends somebody so I appolozize to everybody. There, happy?
And that is your right to believe. I mearly bring a message my friend. Just a message. What is done with that message is entirely up to the recipient of the message, choose to believe, choose to ignore, choose to argue and debate, or simple choose to "shoot the messenger" so to speak as some here have done. This is your right and your choice. I hold no ill will or hostility toward anyones belief or lack of. Again, it is just a message. Peace be to you.
More hate speach from someone who obviously doesn't understand or care to understand the fact that we all have our own opinions. I'm getting up there in age as well but my ability to put up with nasty, ignorant attitudes towards people with opposing opinions is holding up pretty well. You can be as nasty as you want to me Johnathan because at the end of the day I still feel good about myself and no amout of your trash talk toward me or my beliefs will shake that. I'm sorry that you are so angry with religion and freedom of opinion. All I can wish for you is that you find peace and happiness, whatever that may be for you. You have a wondetful day brother.
I could say that I love the color black and you would debate me that black is not a color but the absence of color. Honestly, I think you just add yourself into topics to be the "monkey in the wrench" so to speak but hey, if thats what motivates you then keep on keeping on and I will do the same and keep being the "fly in your ointment" and keep preaching the word of God until my freedom in this forum is stripped away from me. Once again, no hostility assumed or given, peace be to you brother
I believe the sermon in question that Fred was refering too was the one about the sabbath, which quotes much scripture and refers to 1 God, as the title of the forum posted in suggests. In case you didnt know the meaning of the word monotheistic it means relating to or characterized by the belief that there is only one God. "a monotheistic religion". So as you had suggested I placed my Sermon into a forum title more appropriate as you pointed out to me. Yet, you still seem to have a problem with it and are also grouping 2 different discussions into one, my first post, and my second. You all have the to voice your opinion, it is your opinion. I don't need to reread the terms. By my original post it followed the guidelines. It followed philosophywhich by definition means: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. a particular system of philosophical thought. plural noun: philosophies "Schopenhauer’s philosophy" the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience. "the philosophy of science" synonyms: thinking, thought, reasoning "the philosophy of Aristotle" And it also met the criteria of theory which by definition means: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. "Darwin's theory of evolution" synonyms: hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, postulate, proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presupposition; More a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based. "a theory of education" an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action. it was not to disparge but to explain a theory, one that many bible scholars have aggreed with. Did ya read what I said? Not bible believers, bible scholars, ones who study the bible. It was also backed up by history, history that is not very well known unlike the Jewish holicaust that everyone has heard about. You just want to make a big stink of it because you dont agree with it. Im not asking you to agree with it, but much of what I said was and is historical fact mixed with some philsophical theory. So my posting was legit where I had posted it but in trying to keep the peace i moved my next post elswhere and yet you still have a problem with it. So mabe we did get off on the wrong feet but can you much blame me. I came here with messages of peace and have been greeted by opression, negativity and rudeness by people here. Now before you get all uppity I want refering to you particularly on all counts. You have to admit some of Jonathans comment were quite rude.So much for we are all children of the same universe. Yes, only if we be quiet and sit in the corner maybe but thats not me. Since I have been here i have posted 2 posts and have not commented on or criticted anyone elses posts but yet mine are met with with pure opposition. I am just calling you all out on it. If that makes me seem weakskinned or whathaveyou then again thats your opinion but I can assure you my faith is much stronger than you may perceive and nothing that any of you can say will actually offend or hurt my feelings. As you have stated before, maybe things are lost in text or not comminicated correctly but I can assure you that you do not offend me in the least. I just know when I'm banging my head up against a brick wall. It does absolutely no good at all and this bickering as Fred called it is just that; beating my head against the wall because you are not seeking answers, your seeking to have a debate.