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About ReverendBeanie

Helpful Information

  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    Sadly Single
  • Location
    North West, UK

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Broadcasting, LGBT Issues, UK LGBT Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals, Music, Good Food and Real Ale Pubs!
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Christian/Free Church

Other Details

  • Occupation
    Chief Executive

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  1. Hi Rev Stokes, Thanks for your message and for the tips! I shall certainly pop in frequently and get a feel for the forum. To be fair regarding the website, I was using the wrong Email address in the end - it does seem they have posted out the stuff I ordered. Are the certificates as valid as from the alternative source?
  2. Hello people!

    1. Shinebright23


      Hi,  hope all is well with u! 

    2. ReverendBeanie


      Very good thanks Shinebright! Hope you are well too?

      So there is life in the forum then :-)

  3. Hello, I am newly ordained and I thought I would say hello - Does this website still get used as there does not appear to be many recent messages and, at the time of posting, there were no registered users online? I registered through (The Monastery) website but I understand there were some issues between them and ULC Head Office. Is my membership still valid? I bought a number of items to be airmailed to the UK but my login does not seem to work on the website now although I completed my application on the website on 8 January 2016. Hope everyone is well :-) Kind Regards, The Reverend Beanie.