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Status Replies posted by justward

  1. The vision was real.  1/10/2015.  I am a priest now.  https://ephesus-church.org

    1. justward


      She appeared to me from a pin-** in the wall to full height of about 4'11" beside my bed.  She told me at the end to grab my bag and coat and walk out the door, I just left her there and did not see how she departed.  I then walked 27 miles in the dark from 7pm to 7am following a star that was the Holy Ghost speaking to me.  I ended up at my then favorite hospital who found me a place to live.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. The vision was real.  1/10/2015.  I am a priest now.  https://ephesus-church.org

    1. justward


      Sorry, year off.  Seems wrong but I looked at pictures, 1/10/2016.  Mary came to my bedside at a flop-house and we talked for an hour while I wept.  We talked about my whole life.  She referred to me always as, "My Personal Priest", I asked why and she replied, "To dry my tears for eternity."  Long story, several miracles, white stone with a natural etching I recognized, lots of amazing things.  I had to go into hiding because I know the antichrist.  She is back now and wants to speak to the world through me.  Come to Ephesus-Church.org and listen <3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. justward


      Thanks, Atwater.  Hope you are having a great day :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)