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About nocthesis

  • Birthday October 4

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    Religion, Philosophy, English Literature, History, Anthropology, Eschatology, Cosmology, Politics, Intentional Communities, Alternative Politics & Lifestyles.
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  1. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. Thanks everyone for the replies, and yes all of those are similar to what I was looking for, thank you Zen Ministries of Christ is also a great suggestion, as for the last one I concur with the prior comment; I'm not sure we would want anybody to think that we were inferring anything haha
  3. Thank you for the advice much appreciated I think it terms of answering your question our main aim would be to convey a sense of unity and fraternity within the group, whilst also having a welcoming tone to the group name (it would also be important that the name 'stands out' so to speak.
  4. Hello there! Me and a few others are currently considering setting up a small congregation, however we have came across a stumbling block with regards to naming our congregation. To give a very brief overview of our belief system, I'd classify us as "theosophy-esque", perhaps - with certainly a strong emphasis on aspects of Hindu cosmology in particular (although we also combine elements of Ascended Masters theology as well as Judeo-Christian ideas). Do any people on here have any advice when it comes to naming a congregation or religious/spiritual group? To give you an idea of the kind of names members have proposed in the past, we've had "Mahasatya - Disciples of Christ", "Pure Land Ministries", "Pure Land Kingdom Ministries" and "Temple of Nataraja". Thank you!