Belyn Mawr

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Everything posted by Belyn Mawr

  1. I would say I am more of a socialist than anything else, but with a little "s." I believe in many of the tenets of socialism as a philosophy, but I do nor endorse any organised Socialist groups or political parties. I am registered as a Democrat (Dixie-crat), but I don't strictly hold to the party line.
  2. As part of being a Witch, I frequently interact with the Otherworld. (The medium of Endor, a woman who "hath a familiar spirit", was frequently frequently referred to as a Witch.) My "familiar spirit" (primary spirit guide, personal god) is Lugus (Irish Lugh / ** Lleu), a god frequently interpreted to be the Celtic Mercury. (It is worth noting that Hermes/Mercury was a psychopomp, or conductor of souls, in Graeco-Roman Mythology.) I have known him as my guide since I was 18 (about 24 years ago). I "met" him while doing guided meditations as part of my study of Witchcraft (Wiccan type Witchcraft at that time). At this point I can usually initiate contact with him by just thinking about him (initially I had to meditate to reach him). He frequently initiates contact on his own, and I will hear his voice in my mind giving advice or providing informationHe appears in the form of a young Celtic warrior of about 18 or 19, usually with blonde hair, but I have seen him with dark hair as well. I know there is sometimes a debate over whether a spirit guide is the entity it appears to be, or if the guide is merely taking on a form which best relates to the person with which it seeks to communicate. I remember an episode of The Simpsons where Homer's guardian angel / spirit guide initially took the form of the actor James Mason saying that it had assumed the form of someone Homer would admire and respect, but the guide soon had to change its appearance to Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes to be able to reach Homer. Whether my Lugus is THE Lugus, or Lugus is just an archetype of many similar entities, my own subconscious externalized, my higher self, or just an identity assumed by my guide to best relate to me is something on which I do not dwell. I just take our interactions at face value. I listen to the advice given and make my own decisions. My preferred belief is that there are many Lugus type entities, and he is one particularly assigned to me. My second choice would be that he is indeed THE god Lugus, not because I am super special and deserve a divine guide, but because he is capable of being in multiple places at the same time, like Jesus being able to interact with more than just one Christian. .