Reiki Medium

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  1. Gee, was this question tailor-made for me or what? I am indeed a medium. When I am doing Reiki, I feel the presence of my Reiki guides: the Buddha Amitabha, Quan Yin, and Hotei (the Laughing Buddha). They generally are there watching over the process and providing moral support while I am performing Reiki. Quan Yin is probably the most active of the three. When I received my Reiki attunements I described the mental image of a blue light or flame which my teacher believed was the presence of Quan Yin. BTW, although these guides seem to have my practice of Reiki as a major focus, they also pop up at other times as well. When I am troubled, I am sometimes aware of Quan Yin being with me and providing comfort. When I need cheering up, Hotei sometimes pops in. Amitabha is a calming influence. When functioning as a psychic medium (contacting the spirit world, whether it is the dead, angels, or other entities), my primary guide is Mercurius (Hermes). I keep a little statue of Hermes on the nightstand by my bed. I guess he is what would by called my "control" or "door-keeper" who assists me in bringing in spirits with which I wish to communicate, although frequently I just directly interact with them myself. He also functons as something of a guardian angel, although his wings are on his hat and sandals instead of his back . When I go to a graveyard or exploring a haunted location, I sense him there as a protective force. When engaged in the practice of mediumship, I work in a clairvoyant and clairaudient fashion (I see and hear the spirits) as opposed to trance mediumship or channeling where the spirit assumes some portion of control over the medium's body. Again, as with my Reiki guides, Mercurius sometimes overlaps functions and may show up during a Reiki session. I hope this post suffices as a brief sketch of how I operate .
  2. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al