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I grew up in a small town in Eastern North Carolina and was raised in a Christian home with a Pentecostal background. I view the Holy Bible as the final and only authority, the true Word of God, interpreted literally as a law or “blue print” for daily living. As a Christian, I believe God is an omnipresent spirit - a Trinity of the Father (God), the Son (Christ), and the Holy Spirit, which comprises one God Almighty. Jesus Christ is God's only incarnation (or physical form). He is the Son of God, both fully divine and fully human, as well as part of the Trinity. The biblical book of Genesis is inerrant and describes the creation of the universe and all life forms in six days with the seventh being a day of rest. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day to save me from my sins, as well as anyone else who believes in him (John 3:16). I also believe that heaven and hell is a real place and saved souls experience the bliss of heaven while unsaved souls the torture of hell. In the beginning, the original sin of Adam and Eve caused mankind to inherit or be born with imperfections that subject us to sinfulness and suffering. I believe that salvation is granted by the grace of God alone, through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior - not through "works" such as moral behavior, good deeds, etc. Some believe that once saved, or born again, always saved; however I believe you have to remain in a “constant connection” with God to continue to grow and walk in his light. I believe God is a loving God that stands ready to help his children and not bring torment to them. I believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit operating in the lives of believers. The God I serve is a not a God of pain or suffering and stands ready to help his children or believers. I believe Satan is real and roams the earth, causing pain and suffering, in order to torment those that believe and follow God. Although social issues often plague the church in general, such as homosexuality, abortion, political beliefs, race, etc., they may never be agreed upon for varied reasons. I believe it is NOT my position to place judgment on anyone for their sins; however, as a Christians, I am charged to share the message of God and obligated to renounce or expose sin when there is evidence of such. If and only if there is evidence of sin, renouncing it should only be done in private, love, kindness, etc. and not in a way to embarrass, humiliate, judge, etc. It is ONLY the authority of God to place judgment on anyone’s soul. It’s through the power of the Holy Spirit that God’s word ministers to the heart of the sinner and convicts them to make a life altering change. It’s time to put church politics behind us and break down the barriers of denominations and religious doctrines as I believe we all are on the same agenda to “do what is right” in the eyes of God. Thanks for reading and respecting my beliefs as I do yours and I hope something written here will be a blessing to you and help you in your spiritual walk. Feel free to e-mail or call me with questions or to inquire about services offered. God bless!
Although my beliefs noted above may seem conservative and 'out of touch' with some of the more liberal approaches others take, I am not here to cast the first stone on your beliefs. It is amazing that we all are able to function together under one affiliation that is Universal Life Church. It is this 'freedom of religion' that I support in order to protect both yours and my religious views. If we fail to stand together to suuport each other in that respect, we are all subject to losing our freedom of choice.