I am currently going to school to become a funeral director. Funeral services are not limited. If you want something done a certain way all you have to do is ask. They may give you some BS bout not being able to do it. It maybe that they can't do it, just they have never done it before and are scared of the unknown. Me being a pagan, I dont want a preacher telling everybody that loved me that I am going to hell because I wasnt a christian....(I know not all of them will but I have been to a funeral where the preacher said that). Many people now are using what is known as a celebrant. They are just people that talk about the deceased's life. Nothing really spiritual about it. I guess the main point of my rambling is to ask the funeral director to do it. Just remember though, older directors are set in their ways and that they are afraid of change. They like traditions. Anything (within reason) can be done at a funeral. Just ask. I know I want to run a funeral home that will comply to any religious needs of the people. Whatever they may be. Amanda