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About lifeslittleuturns

Helpful Information

  • Marital Status
  • Location
    Southern California, USA

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Spiritually: Religious Freedom, Freedom of Knowledge, Freedom to Search for One's Personal Truth, and Respect for the (non-violent) Beliefs of Others.<br /><br />Creatively: Piano and Guitar Composition and Songwriting (BMI).<br />Photography, Writing, Poetry, Audio/Video Production, Digital Audio Mastering and Mixing, and Computers.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Retired Catholic, Universal Life, Universal Unitarian, Spiritual Humanist, Church of Seven Planes, Universal Ministries, and non-proselytizing Christian.

Other Details

  • Occupation
    Student, Interfaith Minister, Composer, and Songwriter
  • Website URL

Contact Methods

  • AIM
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Honorable Friend

Honorable Friend (6/17)

  1. ...the golden twinkie, err pencil box. He decided to try something new and went to a local public library and Googled ...
  2. ...a Porta-Potty at a nearby construction site. He suspended his sense of smell (held his breath) just long enough to...
  3. the escalator repairman to grate the cheese on the moving teeth of the...
  4. hurts more than watching old reruns of SUPERCHICKEN while trying to slide down a slip and slide covered with Velcro, thumbtacks, and ....
  5. Thoughts, prayers, and positive energy to Connie and all of her family and friends; may they find the strength, courage, and stamina in their hours of need.
  6. "Don't touch my heart, my ache breaky heart..." while...
  7. ...Rosie wheeled Donald out on a bondage frame (with casters) and ...
  8. ...Wax on, Wax off, patience grasshopper. These are the ways of the...
  9. Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell the blood of a geranium...
  10. into temporary fit of dementia, whereby he stumbles into a storm drain wormhole that takes him to...
  11. hoards of shoppers to flock at his feet is search of the mythological "Blue Light Specials." The began chanting...
  12. Thoughts, prayers, meditations, much healing energy, peace, and relief focused her way. May the energies pool around her to comfort and shield her as she heals. May she find the courage and wisdom to trust that all will work out for the best.
  13. all the kings horses and all the kings men hadn't arrived yet to do him in. So, the Indecent SWAT team arrived and started blaring Pink Floyd's ...