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Everything posted by Lance

  1. I remember a little story I read a while ago, but I can't find it again. I know I'm not retelling it exactly, but I figured I'd retell it here, with hopes that someone may know and point me to the original tale. Plus, I think it's a nifty story worth relating. ----- One day, Rabbit-Nose was insulted by Tree-Tooth, who made a habit of wounding individuals with his words. Rabbit-Nose, usually a quiet person, uttered back insults, but Tree-Tooth simply walked away, laughing at Rabbit-Nose's words. Rabbit-Nose was angry all day. That night, Eagle-Arm chanced upon Rabbit-Nose, and he asked him why he was so angry. Rabbit-Nose explained. After listening, Eagle-Arm asked, "Aren't you the same person who was chased by a pack of wolves last week, and had to climb a tree to avoid their fangs?" "I am that person," Rabbit-Nose responded. "Were you angry at those wolves for chasing you?" "No, I was not angry." "Why weren't you angry?" "How can I be angry at those wolves? They were just acting according to their natures." Eagle-Arm nodded and added, "You weren't angry at those wolves with their fangs, because they were acting according to their natures. So why are you angry at Tree-Tooth with his unkind words. Was he not also acting according to his nature?"
  2. This is related to why I don't often get involved with discussions, debates, arguments, etc. anymore. If I ask you how you know something, I have to acknowledge on some level that you do know it before I can ask how you know it. How you know something is (at least) based upon your observations and perceptions of the universe around you, and that's the same universe around me. What is, is, and our interpretations of what is may differ. PS: The quoted text is my non-verbatim translation of the text on this web page. And why do I use pinyin? I guess it's because I'm o-pinyin-ated! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)