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Everything posted by Rachelle

  1. I have no direct knowledge of the Native American way of life other than what I've read or watched on television. But I have always had great respected for the Native Americans. When I hear people say, "they" (as in anyone from another country) need to go back from where they came. I quickly remind them that our great country wouldn't exist if it weren't for people from other countries coming here, and that Native Americans are the only people that have the right to complain. The predjudice that goes on today is unreal, and totally uncalled for. You would think that after so many years, we would have learned from our mistakes, and learned to live in peace with people of all races and religions. I have enjoyed reading both of these posts, and agree fully with everything that was stated, but this stood out more than anything else.... I applaud this statement! I just wish everyone could think this way.