God--101....My Ministry

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Im different than most...I consider myself unique...this is a personal journey for me....I dont take religion in any form lightly.....God says...I give you a human suit to cloth your spirit....it is sacred to God....it is the temple of what you are....It is the Temple in which your spirit resides....and God says.....build on that temple...So many people have absolutely no idea that the human suit they wear is owned by God.....you are chained to its imperfection.....you are subject to its bondage and decay and you will be held accountable for its condition.....This is NOT a trivial matter.....its a gift greater than any human mind can fathom...its a promise....and this promise is not given to the administrators of Gods word (Israel)... it is given to the nations....the Answer begins in the Book Of Genesis.... "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them". God does not have an image......???????....Oh! but he does....That image is the blueprint of Angels and Man....that image is the physical form of God....Jesus Christ....like many parts of God....the Holy Spirit....the Ancient of Days.. which is kinda weird because its the PHYSICAL form of an old God....or maybe an old Jesus Christ....But God did something really unique....The administrators of Gods word (Israel) were given a promise apart from the promise they gave to the nations....Jesus Christ was born in the flesh....went to the Jews and he began to teach.....he healed the sick....he did many wonderful things....in evry aspect of his brief walk upon this earth.....those in his presence... knew who Jesus was....the prophets spoke of his arrivalĀ  and God was ready to set up his Kingdom...They murdered him....they tortured him....they hung him on a tree....Israel WILL inherit the Promised land....But the grand prize goes to the nations....If you believe in Jesus Christ.....Your human suit gets a make over....you are given brand new clothes to wear....but the greatest gift.....is forgiveness of the condition you returned your human suit.....but the most incredible part of this gift....God says....I am your father.....you will be my son....in evrything the father knows... the son will also....To live an eternity with God in Gods city.... Jerusalem....How humble should a man be in light of all that God will lavish upon those that believe in God.

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