Refuge Of Humanity

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In the vast resivor of life,

Pasts the depths of the sea of grass.

There shall be eternal life;

There among the ancestors of dead silence.

Blind white animals reach upward

for the light of day.

From the natural womb in the body of the earth

They arise to evade the land.

Their organisms transmitting signals to the surface...

Finally reaching the refuge of humanity, they spawn....

Releasing isolated energy to an extreme

They produce new life formed organs.

Then from Sun, Moon, and Sky,

Scavengers, preditors rise from the dark of night,

to seek and consume new life,

To repair and till their own.

Now sorrowful as the morning dew,

A gloriful glade lies dead...

But as long as men can breath and eyes still see.

Life lives on, and life gives to thee...

So long as one blade of grass endures,

There is hope for the survivor.

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