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About Elobob

  • Birthday 02/16/1963

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    Mayport, PA

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    Retired Navy
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  1. I'm pagan and even I am starting to get confused with this thread. Is it time for my meds yet? Cheers Bob
  2. IMHO I think the closest the pagan community ever came to being under one umbrella was with Alastair Crowley and the Order of the Golden Dawn. But even they had inner battles among themselves. With his death the Order broke up into smaller entities. Still around but not with the power it once had. Cheers Bob
  3. Wiccan / witch wars happen every so often. It is like when one faction of the Baptist church gets pissy with the main body and breaks off. It goes with the saying not all witches are Wiccan but all wiccans are witches. Just as not all Christians are Baptists but all Baptists are Christians. (Note) Baptists are used as reference only. No Christians or Baptists were harmed in this posting) Cheers Bob