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About ἀρετὴ

  • Birthday 08/19/1973

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  • Location
    Nenana, AK

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  • Interests
    Theology,philosophy, learning biblical languages.
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New Member (2/17)

  1. Thanks that does help - in other news - I have been impressed with the number of faiths that are willing to send sacred texts to people for free. I have been up front in my requests that I am trying to create a multi-faith library and have received very positive feedback.
  2. I am in the process of getting a solid library of sacred writings together. I am familiar with many of the Abrahamic faiths' texts and have acquired most of them. Where I could use some real help is a list of sacred texts from other faiths If anyone has a list or knows of one online - I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
  3. Chosen but Free -Norman Geisler This is an excellent treatment comparing the Christian doctrines of free will and election. I was expecting a pretty biased account, but have been pleasantly surprised. LOTR trilogy My daughter is experiencing these for the first time and I'm going along for the ride.