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About Marte

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  1. At a time when I was flat broke, I finally landed a job.....a union job. When they took the union dues out of my pay, I almost cried. I was also giving the "union" idea some second thoughts....wondering how I could get out of the union. When I look back, though, that was one of the best jobs I ever had. I stayed there 15 years. The union was always fighting for more pay and benefits. If anybody ever gave you any trouble, the union was there to protect you. No one was allowed to dump extra work on you. You only did work that was within your own category. There was also an element of job security. Your boss couldn't fire you because he wanted to hire his girlfriend in your place, etc. I had a better paying job than any of my friends, even ones that came out of upscale universities, and it was a union job. At one point, I was asked to upgrade into a management position, but weighed the facts, and stayed in the union job. The union people had regular hours and great pay. whereas management was called upon at odd hours and could be easily fired. Just my own thoughts...I think you should count your blessings. Union jobs are not easy to find.