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Posts posted by RayCalculaMinistraDeGezza

  1. Global warming causes the atmosphere to increase it's water carrying capacity. Thus, when that saturated atmosphere cools significantly, the precipitation fall out in a variety of forms. This is the cosmic yin and yang.

    I hope you all like your playground Earth with all the nice money servers and strange academic and priests warriors.

    Go get your sponge and clean off things while they are wet already.

    Middle Earth...



    You confronted baby?




    Easy on the flush, no need flooding at home...


  2. The Universe, a choice of word, is precognitive, especially when you realize that the music and clothes I need are waiting for me in the middle of the Pacific in Salvation Army resellers and Savers resellers reTAIL - I miss mine so bad, swing, baby, swing!!! I got Where's Moo there and you should see my $15.00 leather and or suwade - piggy skin, coats and $5.00 blazers, I am Da'Kine!!!

    It is really worth it to come raid the t-shirt and other clothes set out here, leftovers from the well to boo and folks like me, if they do not make arrangements to send their stuff to the Smithsonian Muesum!!!

    Where Moo - People Mover...



    Where Moo - Swarm of Bees...



    Roll the dice, need a 5 and 6....


  3. Jordan Maxwell explains here...

    Jordan Maxwell The Inner World Of The Occult Full Length 2002

    Symbols, religion, the origin, do you know Saturn and Venus? Jordan refers to another lecture, Astrotheology, this lecture then is a primer for that lecture.

    Will we be able to have a polite conversation about what is discussed here? I'm listening to the pros, come on in the house.

    Isis > Ah men Ra 'n more... Isis Ra El - nothing Holy to see here folks...

    All right, anoint the head of this King, yeah!!! - 2 hours, 40 minutes.

    Preach what your practice or practice what you preach, anoint me again and again I suppose.

    Maybe I missed something, but I think all of this means everything is a "big bathhouse" sort 'A.

    The real truth... < The nest of the Gross Britannia Crown... Zup Ed?


    Lecture referred to in other presentation...


    For "grave diggers", http://www.youtube.com/results?filters=long&search_query=astrotheology+jordan+maxwell&lclk=long


  4. Some folks who want a warmer reality just get on a plane and thus create - for themselves - a warmer reality. :grin:



    Holy Spirit


    Is there a universal hit list for a reality creation?

    Try good schools...

    I had a TMA http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/transient-ischemic-attack/basics/definition/con-20021291

    Just trying to create the reality of going home, must have got confused on where home really was right?

    Or what, I was off-air twice in a short time and all my circuits are jingling... At least I remained upright seated on the bus.

    Do not play with matches, but go forth and create a reality, oh yes Fawazo at home with me and all the "literary cosmic punches" I can stand !!!

    Actually, my reality is keeping one foot in both pools, I going to be sure women, children and old and infirm are done well, never get married and fool all the heck around, anyone else see this as a good reality start?

    Should I throw a Bible at myself and go with the message that sticks to my sticky spot ???

    Well, I going to be as good at creating reality as an ant is when being stepped on, seems there is always a bigger trigger in town !!!

    Using Google Chrome more and got the spell check, ahhhh, misspelling was my life !!!


    Spell Reality Casting Making...

    Also working out having one of these soon...

    I really like smoking...

    AN-225 crosswind in...

    :ok:- hey the videos are back...

  5. m-w.com

    pre·cog·ni·tion noun \ˌprē-(ˌ)käg-ˈni-shən\
    CloseStyle: MLA APA Chicago

    Definition of PRECOGNITION

    : clairvoyance relating to an event or state not yet experienced
    pre·cog·ni·tive \(ˌ)prē-ˈkäg-nə-tiv\ adjective

    Origin of PRECOGNITION

    Late Latin praecognition-, praecognitio, from Latin praecognoscere to know beforehand, from prae-

    + cognoscere to know — more at cognition

    First Known Use: circa 1611

    Rhymes with PRECOGNITION

    acoustician, acquisition, admonition, aesthetician, air-condition, ammunition, apparition, apposition,

    coalition, co-edition, competition, composition, cosmetician, decommission, decondition, definition,

    demolition, deposition, dietitian, disposition, disquisition, electrician, erudition, exhibition, expedition,

    exposition, extradition, first edition, imposition, in addition, inanition, in commission, inhibition,

    inquisition, intermission, intromission, intuition, linguistician, logistician, malnutrition, malposition,

    manumission, mathematician, mechanician, micturition, obstetrician, on commission, opposition,

    Ordovician, parturition, politician, precondition, premonition, preposition, proposition, recognition,

    recondition, repetition, requisition, rescue mission, rhetorician, self-ignition, statistician,

    submunition, superstition, supposition, text edition, trade edition, transposition

    pre·cog·ni·tion noun \ˌprē-(ˌ)käg-ˈnish-ən\ (Medical Dictionary)

    Medical Definition of PRECOGNITION

    : clairvoyance relating to an event or state not yet experienced—compare psychokinesis,
    pre·cog·ni·tive \-ˈkäg-nət-iv\ adjective
    Next Word in the Dictionary: precognize
    Previous Word in the Dictionary: precogitate
    All Words Near: precognition
    seen-heard-left-quote.gif Seen & Heard seen-heard-right-quote.gif

    What made you want to look up precognition? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including

    the quote, if possible).

    I was horney, I am a honk key!!! **$**

    Nope not me closest I get is induction and deduction.

    How much is the Time Travel Flyer the Bible proove out to be precognitive - from our forward one

    way time line point of view?

    I hear it is dooing pretty well at that precog thing.....

    I like to misspell word for effect, lets see what happens when I follow through with my brain farting

    spelling self and look up pregocnitive at m-w.com....

    Bummer -


    The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

    1. precognition

    The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

    1. precognition

    The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

    1. recognition

    The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

    1. recognition

    Finally, hits....


    The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

    1. glauconite
    2. dignitate
    3. taconite
    4. gadolinite
    5. gluconate
    6. gelignite



    Gocnitive Style And Gocnitive Empathy :: Top search results
    Websites for Gocnitive Style And Gocnitive Empathy. See analytics for sites matching "Gocnitive Style And Gocnitive Empathy" ...



    Any questions.... See Fawazo...



  6. I lost a box on the bus today, was so busy talking to a case manager on cell phone, I got off the bus and forgot an item.

    Its gone, waited for the bus to return, it is an island and very few places to go, it is gone.

    The computer stuff was useful but not that unique this time.... Last time it was a collection of CDs, gone...

    So did you loose a tooth, a job, a wallet, a game, a character, a reputation, a mind, a limb, a daughter, WHAT... What are you loosing now, the race against Fukashima radiation?

    So here is the big trial and tribulation, LOST IN SPACE!!!


    Opps, I lost a child.....

    So now untll thing are rearranged in my mind over this I gotta do something to protect myself from me and loosing things and stop the attendant stress of having to always recover from loosing stuff, where is the position to never deal with the idea of loss?

    Where and why are the people takers of stuff they do not even recognise and put in bus drivers hands, to help a "kid get home"?

    Seems I will still lose skin and hair. What, even Jesus lost or not, something.

    This is such a rich idea to consider, I hope this grape thread does not become another raisin on this farm.

    How will one recognate to always experience a sense of not lost, stay even, not even want to try gain.

    Only near clue is the Catholic nuns suggest less is more, more time, less aggrivations restated quickly.

    The Bible is lessons, your experiences are lessons, what about the next weather storm that erases everything and the lost go on in the Philippines and esle where, any brainstorms guy.

    Seems most of the mainland lost good, survivable weather recently, loosers.

    Ah, another unexplainable condition contained in the event life.



  7. adjective: prescient
    1. 1.
      having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
      "a prescient warning"

    All right scribes....

    Tell and/or prove the Bible is a time travel proof.


    First Hour: Physicist Robert Nemiroff will talk about his search of the Internet for evidence of time travelers.







    Question: "Who are the elect of God?"

    Simply put, the “elect of God” are those whom God has predestined to salvation. They are called the “elect” because that word denotes the concept of choosing. Every four years in the U.S., we "elect" a President—i.e., we choose who will serve in that office. The same goes for God and those who will be saved; God chooses those who will be saved. These are the elect of God.

    As it stands, the concept of God electing those who will be saved isn’t controversial. What is controversial is how and in what manner God chooses those who will be saved. Throughout church history, there have been two main views on the doctrine of election (or predestination). One view, which we will call the prescient or foreknowledge view, teaches that God, through His omniscience, knows those who will in the course of time choose of their own free will to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation. On the basis of this divine foreknowledge, God elects these individuals “before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4). This view is held by the majority of American evangelicals.

    The second main view is the Augustinian view, which essentially teaches that God not only divinely elects those who will have faith in Jesus Christ, but also divinely elects to grant to these individuals the faith to believe in Christ. In other words, God’s election unto salvation is not based on a foreknowledge of an individual’s faith, but is based on the free, sovereign grace of Almighty God. God elects people to salvation, and in time these people will come to faith in Christ because God has elected them.

    The difference boils down to this: who has the ultimate choice in salvation—God or man? In the first view (the prescient view), man has control; his free will is sovereign and becomes the determining factor in God’s election. God can provide the way of salvation through Jesus Christ, but man must choose Christ for himself in order to make salvation real. Ultimately, this view diminishes the biblical understanding of God's sovereignty. This view puts the Creator's provision of salvation at the mercy of the creature; if God wants people in heaven, He has to hope that man will freely choose His way of salvation. In reality, the prescient view of election is no view of election at all, because God is not really choosing—He is only confirming. It is man who is the ultimate chooser.

    In the Augustinian view, God is has control; He is the one who, of His own sovereign will, freely chooses those whom He will save. He not only elects those whom He will save, but He actually accomplishes their salvation. Rather than simply make salvation possible, God chooses those whom He will save and then saves them. This view puts God in His proper place as Creator and Sovereign.

    The Augustinian view is not without problems of its own. Critics have claimed that this view robs man of his free will. If God chooses those who will be saved, then what difference does it make for man to believe? Why preach the gospel? Furthermore, if God elects according to His sovereign will, then how can we be responsible for our actions? These are all good and fair questions that need to be answered. A good passage to answer these questions is Romans 9, the most in-depth passage dealing with God’s sovereignty in election.

    The context of the passage flows from Romans 8, which ends with a great climax of praise: “For I am convinced that... [nothing] in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). This leads Paul to consider how a Jew might respond to that statement. While Jesus came to the lost children of Israel and while the early church was largely Jewish in makeup, the gospel was spreading among the Gentiles much faster than among the Jews. In fact, most Jews saw the gospel as a stumbling block (1 Corinthians 1:23) and rejected Jesus. This would lead the average Jew to wonder if God’s plan of election has failed, since most Jews reject the message of the gospel.

    Throughout Romans 9, Paul systematically shows that God’s sovereign election has been in force from the very beginning. He begins with a crucial statement: “For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel” (Romans 9:6). This means that not all people of ethnic Israel (that is, those descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) belong to true Israel (the elect of God). Reviewing the history of Israel, Paul shows that God chose Isaac over Ishmael and Jacob over Esau. Just in case anyone thinks that God was choosing these individuals based on the faith or good works they would do in the future, he adds, “Though they [Jacob and Esau] were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad – in order that God’s purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls” (Romans 9:11).

    At this point, one might be tempted to accuse God of acting unjustly. Paul anticipates this accusation in v. 14, stating plainly that God is not unjust in any way. “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion” (Romans 9:15). God is sovereign over His creation. He is free to choose those whom He will choose, and He is free to pass by those whom He will pass by. The creature has no right to accuse the Creator of being unjust. The very thought that the creature can stand in judgment of the Creator is absurd to Paul, and it should be so to every Christian, as well. The balance of Romans 9 substantiates this point.

    As already mentioned, there are other passages that talk to a lesser extent on the topic of God’s elect (John 6:37-45 and Ephesians 1:3-14, to name a couple). The point is that God has ordained to redeem a remnant of humanity to salvation. These elect individuals were chosen before the creation of the world, and their salvation is complete in Christ. As Paul says, “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified” (Romans 8:29-30).

    Recommended Resources: Chosen But Free, revised edition: A Balanced View of God's Sovereignty and Free Will by Norm Geisler and The Potter's Freedom by James White and Logos Bible Software.

    While he is not the author of every article on GotQuestions.org, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann

    Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/elect-of-God.html#ixzz2ra2HNcas


    Good Luck, be at your own risk and satisfaction...


  8. One of my troubles is/was/will-be keeping up with threads at this forum, As I experience it, the forum, tools and searches are antique, now saving band width not embeding videos, does quit serving money ring a bell, templer?.

    I revisited an email with this link and am so glad there were the kind helpful ideas for all to go on forward.

    My Hawaii Princess landtyrant "nails" with everyone, seen the abuse on other mental ill tennents (case managers engineer troubles by failing to perform calling client crazy - go figure and abandon them to the wolves) and other folks get harrassed out - all loosing housing and deposits. Got to chirp the worst case out here, unwilling to give much benefit of the doubt.

    The privitizing of afforable housing here is corrupt - Huges Corp. got it I think right, the City holds money back from HUD (Federal Government Officially mad, just does not reinvade or arrest the crooks and other sources) and all renter and business clients out here are wontonly graped by authorities. It is Sodom and Gorrilla here. Most business owner operators are some form of the following metaphores and total soul vexations. gun wielding, ice dealing punks, off shoots, kin of the authorities, gangsters. IT IS BAD HERE.

    So thanks for the comments here, my biggest work ahead is to teach THAT women get pregnant - PERIOD. Does not matter if drunk one night or heels over head in love divorsed retreading, the lesson, the word, if women and children are not the top thing in your culture, then you off base and that form of immorality is too be corrected, the Ministers job actually. Fix this everything else works. Gays help women and children just fine as such, no worries mate.

    My need here is to get lead on communities that are very egar to get a Section 8 voucher and have certificate education, especially airframe and power plant.

    Portland, OR needed a court ruling to stop rejecting outright Section 8 vouchers, Seattle is "too snobby" for Section 8, priced out totally, outlying area may be better.

    Omak Washington - home of suicide race... was issuing Section 8 to everyone, five years ago by now, going to check on that this computer session, still open season on section 8.



    Any and all Ministerial ad libing on the subject would be excellent and most helpful.

    Now what you going to do to help them women and kids especially mental, unemployeed and stop accepting the guns up your dark holes serving the economy and money expecting to be saved when actually you save and serve money, you want to be saved, WHAT ARE YOU HAwaiin???

    Ad liberals...



    P.S. My body is giving signals, I'm over with, reflexive painj if I'm lucky. Eyes, mind and lower back all ...


    I'll get run into a hospital here and sliced and diced to live and/or die POLICY TO POLICE - no thanks. Where can I experience unmedicated pain and not be arrested or taken from home when hollering pain starts. I'd like to computer simulate and mesmerize my way on to the infinity plane and through the tough times.

    We are talking a Section 8 home somewhere other then Hawaii, independant living with nurse until hearse or group home, yeah, all the mouth here at home crying, shut him up and even Palative care seems to carry away the hollers.

    What do you do, this seem almost equivelent to an exersishymn some how. As in, where is the comptuer, hollering pain dying room???.

    Go dog, time to bark.



  9. This is my PHD, you can KMFA.....

    Libertine "=" Immoral

    Religous "=" Moral

    I off on my trail now, see 'ya, glad I do not have to be 'ya!!!







    What does this imply about physicists, really???




    Einstein Quotes on Ethics & Morality: Humans, not Gods, Define Morality

    Albert Einstein Denied any Supernatural, Divine Aspect to Morality, Moral Acts

    By Austin Cline

    An important principle of most theistic religions is that morality originates with their god: there is no morality apart from their god and, in particular, apart from obedience to their god. This leads many to say non-believers cannot behave morally and/or cannot be moral. Albert Einstein denied that morality required or even could have a divine source. According to Einstein, morality is a purely natural and human creation - it's a part of being human, not a part of some supernatural realm.
    1. Albert Einstein: Morality is Purely a Human Matter

    The religious feeling engendered by experiencing the logical comprehensibility of profound interrelations is of a somewhat different sort from the feeling that one usually calls religious. It is more a feeling of awe at the scheme that is manifested in the material universe. It does not lead us to take the step of fashioning a god-like being in our own image - a personage who makes demands of us and who takes an interest in us as individuals. There is in this neither a will nor a goal, nor a must, but only sheer being. For this reason, people of our type see in morality a purely human matter, albeit the most important in the human sphere.

    - Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman

    2. Albert Einstein: Morality Concerns Humanity, Not Gods

    I cannot conceive of a personal God who would directly influence the actions of individuals, or would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his own creation. I cannot do this in spite of the fact that mechanistic causality has, to a certain extent, been placed in doubt by modern science. My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. Morality is of the highest importance -- but for us, not for God.

    - Albert Einstein, from Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman

    3. Albert Einstein: Ethics is Exclusively Human with No Superhuman Authority

    I do not believe in immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it.

    - Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman

    4. Albert Einstein: Ethics Based on Sympathy, Education, Social Ties, Needs

    A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.

    - Albert Einstein, "Religion and Science,"
    New York Times Magazine
    , November 9, 1930

    5. Albert Einstein: Fear of Punishment & Hope for Reward No Basis for Morality
    Read the Full QuoteIf people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge. ...

    - Albert Einstein, quoted in: All the Questions You Ever Wanted to Ask American Atheists, by Madalyn Murray O'Hair
    6. Albert Einstein: Autocratic, Coercive Systems Inevitably Degenerate

    An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates. For force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels. For this reason I have always been passionately opposed to systems such as we see in Italy and Russia to-day.

    - Albert Einstein, The World As I See It (1949)

    7. Albert Einstein: Nothing Divine About Morality; Morality is a Human Affair

    [T]he scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation... There is nothing divine about morality; it is a purely human affair. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection... It is beyond question closely akin to that which has possessed the religious geniuses of all ages.

    - Albert Einstein, The World As I See It (1949)

    8. Albert Einstein: Ethical Behavior Should be Based on Sympathy, Education

    [A scientist] has no use for the religion of fear and equally little for social or moral religion. A God who rewards and punishes is inconceivable to him for the simple reason that a man's actions are determined by necessity, external and internal, so that in God's eyes he cannot be responsible, any more than an inanimate object is responsible for the motions it undergoes. Science has therefore been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hopes of reward after death.

    New York Times
    , 11/9/30


  10. Ready???

    I got chords for 'dis...

    Minute after minute,

    Hour after hour,

    I gotta sit here,

    'N deal wif my power.

    Glock on the left,

    Mac on the right,

    Guess I'm gonna,

    Bust them caps,

    All night!!!

    Sitt'n at the table,

    Play'n them cards,

    Look out the window,

    Brothers die'n in the yard.

    Up out 'da chair,

    Over to 'da bar,

    Gonna pour a tall one,

    Then drive my car!!!

    Down the street,

    I go,

    Off to work,

    You know.

    Break my neck,

    Bust my back,

    Break my nose,

    Tak'n my clothes!!!


  11. A, E. I. O, U & sometimes Y, except in France and Hawai'i; B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z...., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 >

    Speak, go Angel...

    So try the resonate frequencies "FREAKS"


    I have found it hard to find a place in the Eternity or the Now, got a taste of a place I'd like after watching this movie. I was tired after the movie and slept in the cradle of the music's impression made on me during the presentation.

    Bride & Predjustice - great, represent.


    No Life w/o Wife - no lifer here, ask Apostle Paul, is o.k., but not perfect.

    Cut the Meads posion, the Media that slices our President Barry Barrack Hussein Obama Sotoro, experimental Super Chumer and Commander and Cheif Cheech, Emancipating, as he goes, on and putting the disenfranchised asking for food from the fenced and armed farms out in front, yeah!!!.

    Tangent here... The Meads of Asphodel

    The Meads of Asphodel - The Murder of Jesus the Jew [Full Album]

    Hope to get Ancient Control FREAKS Meads...





    So, lets fix words, sound and ideas to what, end pain, stop meat foods, na, just make it a blood sausage, brot knedle, sauerkraut and ein beir, danka!

    My birth sign, THE SCORPIONS, never a dull sound here.

    Represent probably,


    Guess this is SEX MAGIC, word...


    Over and on it!



  12. Little tooooo possessive in here. Cast thy Demons out and get Wizard.

    Hope this is the intro, not pereat, Uriah Heep, Demons $ Wizards.


    Write for a newber...

    The original which craft... Poultices.



    Otherwise I'm building two boxes 4' x 2' x 2' to move out of Hellwai'i, using thiner wood panels 4' x 8' and 1 5/8' x 1 5/8' as skeleton framing to mount skin panels, I'll double the bottom panel.... These must be sacred dimentions, all easy to fit, cut and find stock for at store. Just hope my labor is not to expensive for me to afford, otherwise, I'll be a hungry 4 year old.

    I also do really cool things with toilet paper rolls.


  13. Just heard the I'm 4 girl and she is struggling with hunger, SEND MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, no your struggle is with

    God. the tools hate you, God serves money more then Hell, designer God images for Ewe.

    Find phlegmatic for extra credit.

    Some people are phlegmatic, some highly strung. Some are anxious, others risk-seeking. Some are confident, others shy. Some

    are quiet, others loquacious. We call these differences personality … —Matt Ridley, Genome, 1999


    Guess I'll admit my God complex has me self-hating, who could design this pit, me, opps, was thinking again.

    Hunger is the arm twisting treat from Dad for Mom.

    I'll read the comment after my rave...

    From the Open Pulpit....

    Exodus 34:6-7, (Rotherham Translation), Yahweh, Yahweh, A God of compassion and favour, slow to anger, and

    abundant in lovingkindness and faithfulness: Keeping lovingkindness to a thousand generations, Forgiving iniquity and

    transgression and sin, though He leave not utterly unpunished, Visiting the iniquity of fathers Upon sons And upon sons

    sons, Unto a third and unto a fourth generation.

    I believe it is vital to interpret all scripture in light of this passage. Why? It is the most quoted part of the Bible, by the

    authors of the Bible. And for good reason, here we have God the Father telling us His Name, the true Character of God

    by God Himself.

    Look at the first word used by God in describing Himself: Compassion. Wow! How awesome is that! Our God, Father,

    and Creator of the Kosmos is Compassionate. So much peace and we have only just begun.

    Favor: He has favor towards us. Grace.

    Slow to anger: that's not what we hear all too many times from the pulpit.

    Abundant in Loving-kindness: His Mercy is over-flowing with Faithfulness. It just keeps getting better and better.

    O.K. now we're getting to the good part: pay close attention to this next word...

    Keeping: that word describes something permanent. Ownership. Belonging to God is the thing He told us in the

    previous verse that is abundant, His Loving-kindness. Mercy. Forgivness. Forgiving transgressions, iniquities, and sins

    is something that is permanent with God. Look at the number He uses in context with His Forgivness...1,000.

    1,000: this is not to be taken as a literal number of those forgiven, but as something countless, never ending,


    Next things take a turn (apparently) to a darker side of God. Here comes PUNISHMENT.

    But as soon as punishment is mentioned, look at the word He chooses to contrast "keeping".

    Visiting: a visit is of limited-duration. It has limits. It is something not everlasting, but will come to an end. That is the very

    definition of the word.

    Though He forgives without end, like a good father He can not leave completely (utterly) unpunished. Punishment must

    come, but will have an end. Correction is the reason any loving father "visits" the sins of a child.

    I love the next part! God is so good at contrasting. He used 1,000 to show the greatness of His Mercy and Forgivenes,

    so He uses the numbers 3 and 4 to show how insignificant His punishment is compared to His compassionate mercy

    and forgivness.

    I hope this has been an eye openener into Gods Character, it sure has been for me.

    Here is a God character or just one of Gods' multiphrenic expressions? Eat MEat.

    Got Gay-Dar??? See if it goes off.... I like the quarter sized L.E.D.s and the Eye in the middle-top of stage background.

    Just saw these guys for the first time this week. I'd take it personally if I did not show Depeche Mode to the new



    Who ever knew God is so gay...

    Look who is #1, billion of years to get this race horse. Gay is first an adjective, says..... M-W, you, God, who???

    Add to the list, gay - 5. guess sadism and masochism is next on our Holy upwards climb in definitions here. You figure

    the 5a.(beat for blood), 5b.(ur),5c. (fe) etc...



    1gay adjective \ˈgā\

    : sexually attracted to someone who is the same sex

    : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals

    : happy and excited : cheerful and lively

    CloseStyle: MLA APA Chicago
    Full Definition of GAY
    a : happily excited : merry <in a gay mood>
    b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits <a bird's gay spring song>
    a : bright, lively <gay sunny meadows>
    b : brilliant in color
    : given to social pleasures; also : licentious
    a : homosexual <gay men>
    b : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals <the gay rights movement> <a gay bar>
    gay adverb
    gay·ness noun
    Examples of GAY
    1. The band was playing a gay tune.
    2. the gayest of the spring flowers
    Origin of GAY
    Middle English, from Anglo-French gai, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German gāhi quick, sudden
    First Known Use: 14th century
    Related to GAY
    Synonyms active, airy, animate, animated, bouncing, brisk, energetic, frisky, lively, jaunty, jazzy, kinetic, mettlesome, peppy, perky, pert, pizzazzy (or pizazzy), racy, snappy, spanking, sparky, spirited, sprightly, springy, vital, vivacious, zippy Antonyms dead, inactive, inanimate, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, languorous, leaden, lifeless, limp, listless, spiritless, vapid
    See Synonym Discussion at lively
    2gay noun

    : a person and especially a man who is homosexual

    Full Definition of GAY
    : homosexual; especially : a homosexual male
    Examples of GAY
    1. a bar that is frequented by gays
    First Known Use of GAY
    Gay biographical name \ˈgā\
    Definition of GAY
    John 1685–1732 Eng. poet & dram.
    Next Word in the Dictionary: gayal
    Previous Word in the Dictionary: gawsie
    All Words Near: gay
    seen-heard-left-quote.gif Seen & Heard seen-heard-right-quote.gif

    What made you want to look up gay? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

    Was "gay curious" to know what things were defined as today.....

    See comments at M-W.com

    Now for the curve...

    Mispelled and got this first out, surprise...


    SEPCHE - a sinchronicity??? O.K. fine.

    Seems usefull, especially for mindless dribble lovers.

    History and Accomplishments

    In 1993 when eight women college presidents came together to establish the Southeastern Pennsylvania Consortium

    for Higher Education (SEPCHE), they were determined to develop a model based on collaboration rather than

    competition. With far-sighted vision, they recognized the need to integrate technology into the curriculum at all levels of

    education, K-12 as well as undergraduate and graduate. In the years since it was formed, SEPCHE has become a think

    tank for responding to many of the challenges facing higher education. This group of eight small independent

    institutions, who might otherwise be competitors, have, through the development of a basis of trust and understanding,

    formed a consulting group which operates at all levels to address issues of common concern. The impact of this

    collaboration can be seen in the schools’ enhanced academic programs and services, broad-based applications of

    technology in the classroom, and widespread community outreach programs reaching thousands of teachers and

    students at the secondary and elementary levels and community members.

    The collaborative efforts of SEPCHE have had many positive outcomes for the member schools and the surrounding

    communities. In addition to the ongoing reciprocal consulting support available to the ten committees that meet

    regularly, SEPCHE can list the following specific achievements:

    Collaborative faculty development in instructional technology and integrating technology into the curriculum and the

    individual disciplines

    • Learning, Technology and the Changing Role of Faculty Conference
    • Cross Registration
    • Institute for Mathematics & Science
    • Global Curriculum Development & related faculty development
    • Foreign Language and Culture Symposium
    • Co-operation on Foreign Language
    • Shared Fulbright Scholars
    • Shared courses using teleconferencing
    • On-line courses
    • Annual SEPCHE Honors Conference
    • Shared faculty
    • Shared International Scholars Program
    • Inter-campus World Culture Series
    • Automation and interconnection of libraries
    • Virtual library catalog
    • JSTOR electronic journal storage system
    • Shared E-book collection
    • Reciprocal Library Use Agreement
    • Online Career Services Center with collaborative employment listings and career information for students and alumni
    • A virtual job fair for students and alumni
    • Faculty Speakers’ Bureau
    • Art Exhibits of SEPCHE student and faculty work
    • Award-winning collaborative staff training and development programs
    • Instructional Technology training for elementary and secondary teachers in multiple school districts in the five-county area.
    • Collaborative program of graduate courses in math and science, using technology, for K-12 teachers in five-county area
    • Programs for registered nurses in rural Chester County and Lancaster County to help them complete bachelor’s degrees
    • Welfare-to-Work projects in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Philadelphia and Chester: GED instruction, computer, phlebotomy, and early childhood professional care training, job search skills
    • Outreach programs to refugees and immigrants providing language, computer and job search training
    • Career and job search services, including internet training and access to job links for parents of students at St. Donato School in West Philadelphia, and Domestic Violence Center of Chester County
    • Enrichment and intervention programs for students in the K-12 grades
    • Summer academic programs and summer camps for disadvantaged elementary, junior high
      and high school students
    • Physical therapy clinics, community health fair, health screening for physically and financially disadvantaged senior citizens
    • Summer games and physiological assessments for visually impaired children and adults
    • Physical and mental health services for abused women and children
    • Education and Hepatitis B immunization for 7th grades
    • Parish nursing certificate program and symposium. Spirituality class for nurses
    • Nursing center for the elderly in Chester
    • College Wellness Center developed as resource for community nutrition counseling and community nutrition and wellness classes

    Oh, God, your fangs are so cute, that ax is so swinging.

    :diespam: .yep God is on it again.

  14. Syn - chron (chronic) - icity (ity) is a "pigment of your own imagination".

    Experience adds in as well.

    Good bus connections, green traffic lights, clear intersections and roads for a day or few moments have struck us all.

    I cannot figure this out, but was chased by a Hawaiian homeless women in Kapiolani park, a misunderstanding... The police had no time to get call and respond, they appeared out of no where in cars...

    I was young, around 7, + or - 1.978657456385476467652458927690234 and saw the devil in my room, 13118 Dumbarton Dr., Wheaton, MD for Ghosters and ther like..

    What can you see in clouds, very few saw Alien Greys in clouds until recently.

    What do you gonna sync with, Eternal Strife - Lievph or all "icing and no cake"? I sync with flight simulation, had a sync, when I thought about helping friend, a shooting star went by in simulation, a bigger one, deceided to close flight and go help, THEN.

    I try float in a Divine Provenance mist and sync with the challenges and opportunities but soon the famaliarity breeds a contempt.

    What is left for creation to fashion and get us syncing with, what do we do with our minds to sync.

    I have yet to get a sync in this forum...

    Past meager experience is often the lynch pin in a future job or challenge that had prepared you for the task at hand to be met well.

    Hawaiians (the whole melting pot - 2014 Hawaiian I.D. abused by all, even GOD) do not have enough toys/food/smart family members or quality instructors to sync with much more then Federal Prisions.

    So you get more when you give more. Tired of all the Capatilist Penny Pinching Money Service People Abusing System God loves you to be stuck in and shot at if you like leave. Just head for the border.


    Sync this...





  15. Can we design in group here a Advanced Medical Directive, I am a laborotory technician as well as a pain in the mumps, I've seen Dr's. sell life like a lawyer sells divorse services, with plenty of take and very little give to the victams. Victamize the victams it a good thing....

    It saddens me to have to post after hearing of our member, Rev. William Fogle's passing today, but I found out this morning that my mother may not be coming home from her scheduled "short stay" in physical rehab.

    She was hospitalized mid-Dec and they took some 12 quarts of water from her lungs, heart sack and body and was diagnosed with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. She seemed to be on the mend, I saw her Christmas Day, and was scheduled to be coming home end of this week.

    Tuesday night she was once again rushed to emergency as the water retention had continued and she was revived during procedures and placed in the Critical Care section over at Doctor's. Talked to my sister this morning and Mom is non-responsive, vitals are extremely low and every sign of heart failure.

    She was all set to party down for her 90th b-day (April 3, 2014) and was really looking forward to the family gathering and several member of the various family clans coming from Sweden as well.

    Might I ask for prayers, energies, what ever you personally offer for her?

    Mom is a devout Evangelical Christian and has repeatedly said she is not "fearful" of her passing. Her faith has been a steady companion to her throughout her long life. On Christmas she said she was 'eager' to go meet up with my Dad as she missed him so much here. Dad passed Dec 27, 2008.

    Thanking all in advance,

    Blessings of Peace,

    So my friend, 65 is got dieing sisters. We both feel their mortality and our mortality, hear empathicing the pain(s), only joys here in these rooms are Almond Joys. So, what makes them special, they are on the fast track, we other on the slow track. The true lif's a switch; then you die. I cognated life is a gas; then you pass, but need to settle on the right truth, life is a joke; then you croak. Feeling froggy myself this week and all my life actually.

    Again, go for the traceotomy, for life, or go for the asphixation for the "door # 2" prize (no one knows this deal - oh, Jesys and Simon says...)

    I'm glad, where else to go with this self-serving whimpering. I'm needing to celebrate myself against the posion what my heart, mind and soul cannot accept as Hawaiian, Cry Baby, Capitalist, Aloha fraud with corruption sprinkles squirited all over. (seen other post on beliefs yet?).

    After the first major death in one's life, the rest are meaningless, pain avoidence from God, who, what, I experience?

    Unfathpmable deep still curious spanking water of life.

    What are you really feeling, WHAT IS DOING JUST RIGHT???

    Video time... abstract on celebration....


  16. Mahalo Rev Rattlesnake, seems "Ed", the Editor, got that post, we all cool about that, since I'm on the edge and know not often when I cross over to THE POINT.

    Mahalo Bro Hex for pointing out the incompleteness of an individual if one does not consider there sin history as important as the good, a character is formed. I'm glad somewhere there is forgivness though, to loose the scabs of past poor to near evil deads...

    Prayer, Ritual, Best Practises, seems the ones who get the above are "RIGHT as Rain", are the TRUE leaders, spirit generators and the type folks to emulate.

    Anyone got any offers on what to better emulate? The above is so challenging, but once gott'n right, the face will shine like Ariel Sharons in the midst of conflict in God's name... (Put swords into plow shares - wake up right?)


    Came into the "Music Room" to post 70's music here and threw in the Confessions because I abstract like a .....

    Try Deep Purple and Mountain here thanks (or) phans...


    Have I suggested this before, the Rock 'n Roll explosion is to me the injection of "tons of Angels" into our minds, lives and souls... so many have run from it, WHY???


  17. The post are a variety, executed delivery to forum during editing. I make lots of errors and still would like unlimited editing, to correct the wild beast here in or add if new come by for a thread left behind.

    Here is a reprint of the origonal intent with emphisis on the you tube link to a 33 video of 70's Rock Bands.

    Here Rs some suggestions, mostly from the 70's and up... Artic Vortex 70's Rock Relief with leafs...

    Kop(tic) Shop - http://www.catholic..../confession.php

    A Guide for Confession

    The basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the "prodigal son" and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest.

    Sin in my Life

    Modern society has lost a sense of sin. As a Catholic follower of Christ, I must make an effort to recognize sin in my daily actions, words and omissions.

    The Gospels show how important is the forgiveness of our sins. Lives of saints prove that the person who grows in holiness has a stronger sense of sin, sorrow for sins, and a need for the Sacrament of Penance or Confession.

    prodigal.jpgThe Differences in Sins

    As a result of Original Sin, human nature is weakened. Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ's grace, takes away Original Sin, and turns us back toward God. The consequences of this weakness and the inclination to evil persist, and we often commit personal or actual sin.

    Actual sin is sin which people commit. There are two kinds of actual sin, mortal and venial.

    Mortal sin is a deadly offense against God, so horrible that it destroys the life of grace in the soul. Three simultaneous conditions must be fulfilled for a mortal sin: 1) the act must be something very serious; 2) the person must have sufficient understanding of what is being done; 3) the person must have sufficient freedom of the will.


    If you need help–especially if you have been away for some time–simply ask the priest and he will help you by "walking" you through the steps to make a good confession.

    Before Confession

    Be truly sorry for your sins. The essential act of Penance, on the part of the penitent, is contrition, a clear and decisive rejection of the sin committed, together with a resolution not to commit it again, out of the love one has for God and which is reborn with repentance. The resolution to avoid committing these sins in the future (amendment) is a sure sign that your sorrow is genuine and authentic. This does not mean that a promise never to fall again into sin is necessary. A resolution to try to avoid the near occasions of sin suffices for true repentance. God's grace in cooperation with the intention to rectify your life will give you the strength to resist and overcome temptation in the future.

    Examination of Conscience

    Before going to Confession you should make a review of mortal and venial sins since your last sacramental confession, and should express sorrow for sins, hatred for sins and a firm resolution not to sin again.

    A helpful pattern for examination of conscience is to review the Commandments of God and the Precepts of the Church:

    1. Have God and the pursuit of sanctity in Christ been the goal of my life? Have I denied my faith? Have I placed my trust in false teachings or substitutes for God? Did I despair of God's mercy?
    2. Have I avoided the profane use of God's name in my speech? Have I broken a solemn vow or promise?
    3. Have I honored every Sunday by avoiding unnecessary work, celebrating the Mass (also holydays)? Was I inattentive at, or unnecessarily late for Mass, or did I leave early? Have I neglected prayer for a long time?
    4. Have I shown Christlike respect to parents, spouse, and family members, legitimate authorities? Have I been attentive to the religious education and formation of my children?
    5. Have I cared for the bodily health and safety of myself and all others? Did I abuse drugs or alcohol? Have I supported in any way abortion, "mercy killing," or suicide?
    6. Was I impatient, angry, envious, proud, jealous, revengeful, lazy? Have I forgiven others?
    7. Have I been just in my responsibilities to employer and employees? Have I discriminated against others because of race or other reasons?
    8. Have I been chaste in thought and word? Have I used sex only within marriage and while open to procreating life? Have I given myself sexual gratification? Did I deliberately look at impure TV, pictures, reading?
    9. Have I stolen anything from another, from my employer, from government? If so, am I ready to repay it? Did I fulfill my contracts? Did I rashly gamble, depriving my family of necessities?
    10. Have I spoken ill of any other person? Have I always told the truth? Have I kept secrets and confidences?
    11. Have I permitted sexual thoughts about someone to whom I am not married?
    12. Have I desired what belongs to other people? Have I wished ill on another?
    13. Have I been faithful to sacramental living (Holy Communion and Penance)?
    14. Have I helped make my parish community stronger and holier? Have I contributed to the support of the Church?
    15. Have I done penance by abstaining and fasting on obligatory days? Have I fasted before receiving communion?
    16. Have I been mindful of the poor? Do I accept God's will for me?
    During Confession

    After examining your conscience and telling God of your sorrow, go into the confessional. You may kneel at the screen or sit to talk face-to-face with the priest.

    Begin your confession with the sign of the cross, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My last confession was _______ weeks (months, years) ago."

    The priest may read a passage from holy Scripture.

    Say the sins that you remember. Start with the one(s) that is most difficult to say. (In order to make a good confession the faithful must confess all mortal sins, according to kind and number.) After confessing all the sins you remember since your last good confession, you may conclude by saying, "I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life."

    Listen to the words of the priest. He will assign you some penance. Doing the penance will diminish the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. When invited, express some prayer of sorrow or Act of Contrition such as:

    At the End of Confession

    Listen to the words of absolution, the sacramental forgiveness of the Church through the ordained priest.

    As you listen to the words of forgiveness you may make the sign of the cross with the priest. If he closes by saying, "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good," answer, "For His mercy endures forever."

    After Confession

    Give thanks to God for forgiving you again. If you recall some serious sin you forgot to tell, rest assured that it has been forgiven with the others, but be sure to confess it in your next Confession.

    Do your assigned Penance.

    Resolve to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation often. We Catholics are fortunate to have the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the ordinary way for us to have our sins forgiven. This sacrament is a powerful help to get rid of our weaknesses, grow in holiness, and lead a balanced and virtuous life.



  18. Like it or not a world figure has now expired and the Last Will and Testiment is now effective.

    One of God's choosen one has passed out of 3 D into infina DEE.

    Hebrews, Jews, Isrealites the culture that seems to have bred Germanics, has lost a brother.

    Hope the loosening of Ariels Sharons' Last Will and Testiment does the Gods proud.




    Time for a New Mitzvah, from beyond back to us now.


  19. How do any of us realize these standards? Has this guilt trip pushed people out into the Nederlands? Are these standards too much?

    I got to pitch a tent in the confessional now it seems.

    One of my favorite jokes is " How does a piece of meat get the Kosher rating; a piece of meat gets the Kosher rating only after the animal the meat came from died of guilt ".

    One of my greatest Revelations late in life.... Having a big Polish blood quantium is that... "Polish jokes are not jokes; they are little scoops of the truth", ouch!!!

    A helpful pattern for examination of conscience is to review the Commandments of God and the Precepts of the Church:

    1. Have God and the pursuit of sanctity in Christ been the goal of my life? Have I denied my faith? Have I placed my trust in false teachings or substitutes for God? Did I despair of God's mercy?
    2. Have I avoided the profane use of God's name in my speech? Have I broken a solemn vow or promise?
    3. Have I honored every Sunday by avoiding unnecessary work, celebrating the Mass (also holydays)? Was I inattentive at, or unnecessarily late for Mass, or did I leave early? Have I neglected prayer for a long time?
    4. Have I shown Christlike respect to parents, spouse, and family members, legitimate authorities? Have I been attentive to the religious education and formation of my children?
    5. Have I cared for the bodily health and safety of myself and all others? Did I abuse drugs or alcohol? Have I supported in any way abortion, "mercy killing," or suicide?
    6. Was I impatient, angry, envious, proud, jealous, revengeful, lazy? Have I forgiven others?
    7. Have I been just in my responsibilities to employer and employees? Have I discriminated against others because of race or other reasons?
    8. Have I been chaste in thought and word? Have I used sex only within marriage and while open to procreating life? Have I given myself sexual gratification? Did I deliberately look at impure TV, pictures, reading?
    9. Have I stolen anything from another, from my employer, from government? If so, am I ready to repay it? Did I fulfill my contracts? Did I rashly gamble, depriving my family of necessities?
    10. Have I spoken ill of any other person? Have I always told the truth? Have I kept secrets and confidences?
    11. Have I permitted sexual thoughts about someone to whom I am not married?
    12. Have I desired what belongs to other people? Have I wished ill on another?
    13. Have I been faithful to sacramental living (Holy Communion and Penance)?
    14. Have I helped make my parish community stronger and holier? Have I contributed to the support of the Church?
    15. Have I done penance by abstaining and fasting on obligatory days? Have I fasted before receiving communion?
    16. Have I been mindful of the poor? Do I accept God's will for me?

    Two more for the road...




  20. Here Rs some suggestions, mostly from the 70's and up... Artic Vortex 70's Rock Relief with leafs...



    A Guide for Confession

    The basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the "prodigal son" and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest.

    Sin in my Life

    Modern society has lost a sense of sin. As a Catholic follower of Christ, I must make an effort to recognize sin in my daily actions, words and omissions.

    The Gospels show how important is the forgiveness of our sins. Lives of saints prove that the person who grows in holiness has a stronger sense of sin, sorrow for sins, and a need for the Sacrament of Penance or Confession.

    prodigal.jpgThe Differences in Sins

    As a result of Original Sin, human nature is weakened. Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ's grace, takes away Original Sin, and turns us back toward God. The consequences of this weakness and the inclination to evil persist, and we often commit personal or actual sin.

    Actual sin is sin which people commit. There are two kinds of actual sin, mortal and venial.

    Mortal sin is a deadly offense against God, so horrible that it destroys the life of grace in the soul. Three simultaneous conditions must be fulfilled for a mortal sin: 1) the act must be something very serious; 2) the person must have sufficient understanding of what is being done; 3) the person must have sufficient freedom of the will.


    If you need help–especially if you have been away for some time–simply ask the priest and he will help you by "walking" you through the steps to make a good confession.

    Before Confession

    Be truly sorry for your sins. The essential act of Penance, on the part of the penitent, is contrition, a clear and decisive rejection of the sin committed, together with a resolution not to commit it again, out of the love one has for God and which is reborn with repentance. The resolution to avoid committing these sins in the future (amendment) is a sure sign that your sorrow is genuine and authentic. This does not mean that a promise never to fall again into sin is necessary. A resolution to try to avoid the near occasions of sin suffices for true repentance. God's grace in cooperation with the intention to rectify your life will give you the strength to resist and overcome temptation in the future.

    Examination of Conscience

    Before going to Confession you should make a review of mortal and venial sins since your last sacramental confession, and should express sorrow for sins, hatred for sins and a firm resolution not to sin again.

    A helpful pattern for examination of conscience is to review the Commandments of God and the Precepts of the Church:

    1. Have God and the pursuit of sanctity in Christ been the goal of my life? Have I denied my faith? Have I placed my trust in false teachings or substitutes for God? Did I despair of God's mercy?
    2. Have I avoided the profane use of God's name in my speech? Have I broken a solemn vow or promise?
    3. Have I honored every Sunday by avoiding unnecessary work, celebrating the Mass (also holydays)? Was I inattentive at, or unnecessarily late for Mass, or did I leave early? Have I neglected prayer for a long time?
    4. Have I shown Christlike respect to parents, spouse, and family members, legitimate authorities? Have I been attentive to the religious education and formation of my children?
    5. Have I cared for the bodily health and safety of myself and all others? Did I abuse drugs or alcohol? Have I supported in any way abortion, "mercy killing," or suicide?
    6. Was I impatient, angry, envious, proud, jealous, revengeful, lazy? Have I forgiven others?
    7. Have I been just in my responsibilities to employer and employees? Have I discriminated against others because of race or other reasons?
    8. Have I been chaste in thought and word? Have I used sex only within marriage and while open to procreating life? Have I given myself sexual gratification? Did I deliberately look at impure TV, pictures, reading?
    9. Have I stolen anything from another, from my employer, from government? If so, am I ready to repay it? Did I fulfill my contracts? Did I rashly gamble, depriving my family of necessities?
    10. Have I spoken ill of any other person? Have I always told the truth? Have I kept secrets and confidences?
    11. Have I permitted sexual thoughts about someone to whom I am not married?
    12. Have I desired what belongs to other people? Have I wished ill on another?
    13. Have I been faithful to sacramental living (Holy Communion and Penance)?
    14. Have I helped make my parish community stronger and holier? Have I contributed to the support of the Church?
    15. Have I done penance by abstaining and fasting on obligatory days? Have I fasted before receiving communion?
    16. Have I been mindful of the poor? Do I accept God's will for me?
    During Confession

    After examining your conscience and telling God of your sorrow, go into the confessional. You may kneel at the screen or sit to talk face-to-face with the priest.

    Begin your confession with the sign of the cross, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My last confession was _______ weeks (months, years) ago."

    The priest may read a passage from holy Scripture.

    Say the sins that you remember. Start with the one(s) that is most difficult to say. (In order to make a good confession the faithful must confess all mortal sins, according to kind and number.) After confessing all the sins you remember since your last good confession, you may conclude by saying, "I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life."

    Listen to the words of the priest. He will assign you some penance. Doing the penance will diminish the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. When invited, express some prayer of sorrow or Act of Contrition such as:

    An Act of Contrition

    O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. But most of all because I have offended you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.

    At the End of Confession

    Listen to the words of absolution, the sacramental forgiveness of the Church through the ordained priest.

    As you listen to the words of forgiveness you may make the sign of the cross with the priest. If he closes by saying, "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good," answer, "For His mercy endures forever."

    After Confession

    Give thanks to God for forgiving you again. If you recall some serious sin you forgot to tell, rest assured that it has been forgiven with the others, but be sure to confess it in your next Confession.

    Do your assigned Penance.

    Resolve to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation often. We Catholics are fortunate to have the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the ordinary way for us to have our sins forgiven. This sacrament is a powerful help to get rid of our weaknesses, grow in holiness, and lead a balanced and virtuous life.
