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About Michael2333

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  1. Put this cat on..../\„,„/\ your profile...( =';'= ) to show.../*♥♥*\ that you are.(.|.|..|.|.) against animal cruelty.And always spay and neuter your pets!Please save a life and adopt from a shelter!

    1. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      $330.00 worth of spay and neuter, shots and vaccines just today! HerBe will be spending the night, but Turbo is due home any time now!

      Blessings of Peace,

  2. Welcome to the ULC.net forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have.

    Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding!