October 31st: Samhain (Saw-ain/Sow-een) Pagan New Year in Neo-Paganism, the realms of the living and the dead are at the thinest and contact is made easier to those that passed. It is a time to honour the passed ancestors. This is the time where we look back at the previous year and look forward into the new year. December 21st/22nd/23rd: Yule The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, we see the coming of longer days and the rebirth of the Sun God and the return of Spring/ February 2nd: Imbolg (Im-bolc/Imm-olc) For wiccans this is the traditional time for new initiations. It is a cross quarter day, meaning that it falls half way between Yule (Winter Solstice) and Ostara (Spring Solstice) March 21st/22nd/23rd: Ostara Spring Solstice, days are getting longer and sunlight is around for 12 hrs a day or so. (Rest will be added tomorrow after i've had some sleep)