Bro. Hex

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Everything posted by Bro. Hex

  1. Understood (and anticipated). I assume that most folks here are familiar with the concept (from physics) of "a resonant frequency" which induces a sympathetic harmonic in a suitable "receptor". That is how it is for me. I wish I could be more specific than that...but I cannot. And the antiquity of the work in question is not crucial... I prize some works of relative modernity (such as "Exegesis" by the late Phillip K. Dick). The short answer is: "both". While "hidden" might be an adequate description of many of the works that surfaced at Nag Hammadi, the word "suppressed" is a "better fit" for explaining my initial attraction to those works. I want to ponder for myself "the why" of the suppression of these works. Later on, it is "the works themselves" that determine which ones I value in the long run. As for how the Bible enters into this equation for me, I only consider the NT to be genuinely and exclusively "Christian", so that is the part that most interests me. The texts at Nag Hammadi that are identifiably Christian particularly interest me because, unlike the NT, these texts were not subject to revision during the last 1700 years.
  2. That is not completely true. Certainly most Jews don't recognize Jesus of Nazareth as "the promised messiah". There are some Jews who are still awaiting the coming of their messiah. (we call them "messianic" Jews) There are some Christians who are still awaiting the "second coming".of Jesus.
  3. To the contrary... it doesn't makes you anything, one way or the other.If you see yourself as a weed, then please know that you are a weed that we have come to tolerate, and to (perhaps grudgingly, at times) appreciate for certain traits that you embody, not the least of which is that you exhibit a powerful affection for (and defense of)... the underdogs in this mortal life. I don't always agree with you (and in fact I often disagree), but I do not doubt the honesty, the genuineness of your positions. All things considered, I consider you to be "a net plus" for our forum. Infuriating at times, but a "net plus" none the less.
  4. Blessed are those who neither see nor believe, and yet still they trust. May the Peace which passes understanding be with you, and with many, worlds without end. Amen
  5. I am sorry if I have given the impression that I "denounce" the Bible...I don't denounce it, I just don't rely on it. There are many parts of the Bible that I treasure... (example: Micah 6:8) but there are other parts I do not (example: Leviticus). I will accept any scripture as holy...if it speaks to me with an authentic voice. I am not at all convinced that Trimorphic Protennoia was written by any followers of Jesus. In fact, I am rather certain that it is a Greek Pagan contribution... I am also relatively certain that it was treasured by a group of Coptic Christians for its insight and authentic voice. In any event, it "speaks to me". Hope this helps clarify where I stand... I certainly do not wish to disparage a scripture that someone else treasures...even when i do not relate to it. .
  6. Here's an excerpt from a text that is rarely discussed: "It is through me that Gnosis comes forth. I dwell in the ineffable and unknowable ones. I am perception and knowledge, uttering a Voice by means of thought. I am the real Voice. I cry out in everyone, and they recognize it (the voice), since a seed indwells them." — Trimorphic Protennoia.
  7. Doin' the Lambeth- Doin' the Lambeth- Doin' the Lambeth walk! Oi !
  8. Just wanting to say hello, Stormy, and how are you doing? It has been a while since we heard from you. You are still in our prayers.
  9. Mark... I really hope that you submit this story to Reader's Digest, or Reminisce Magazine. You have a real talent as a storyteller! Hex
  10. I'm with Songster on this one... not since I was 23 (or thereabout).
  11. I agree with this, Hyper...In fact I believe that many Jews IN ISRAEL are appalled by their government's violent hostile acts. Not so different from our country, is it?
  12. I would like to "post a JPEG" as subject/part of a new thread. I have "saved" the image file (.jpg file) that I want to use onto my hard drive. How do I post it to the forum??
  13. The Gods are smiling upon us! (it is their Job Title, so they "get Caps!")
  14. This strikes me as "highly disrespectful" of "all the other Gods". If your "One True God" is entitled to a "Capital G" as a sign of respect, I don't see why the God (or Gods) that other people worship or acknowledge, should not be deserving of the same deferential treatment. Otherwise, what you really seem to be saying is "MY God is 'real' and your 'god' is not". That certainly doesn't sound like you are respecting the faith of others. (Admittedly, this poses a conundrum for any and all who wish to be respectful of everyone's beliefs.... but it is "Food For Thought")
  15. Big "G" or little "g", it makes no difference to the mathematical science of Probability & Statistics. Either god(s) or G_d is "improbable". Both god(s) and G_d are "possible".
  16. Not sure how many here have/use a Kindle... Too bad some of this stuff isn't available in print for those of us who are terminally old-fashioned, and just love to hold the "dead-tree" versions in hand!
  17. Neither is it good: "Do unto 50% of others as you would have them do unto you" It just doesn't fulfill the spirit of Jesus' positive injunction, now does it?
  18. No RR, doing so "in love" is "the qualifier" that Steven suggests is what "makes it okay" to correct someone else. My quotation marks are merely pointing out that the "speaker" (the one doing the correcting) may well see his own behavior "as something loving", but that is no guarantee that the hearer will interpret said speech as such. (nor does it guarantee what the "true motivation" of the speaker actually is).
  19. I wonder... Would you allow a Jew or a Muslim, a Hindu or an Atheist, TO CORRECT YOU "in love" ?? The thing about "correcting others" (lovingly or otherwise) is the implicit message that "you are RIGHT and they are NOT".
  20. Oh please...if no one has "beat me too it", ALLOW ME to be the first one who says We should ALL adopt a More Neutral and Less Personally Offensive approach. The Golden Rule demands nothing less of us !
  21. Me too, Hyper.The irony (well, ONE of the ironies, actually) is that there is "no such thing" as races, except in the minds of some people. (Quite similar to "flat earthers", imho) There is only ONE race... the human one !