~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH NEWSLETTER April 29, 2001 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Web site: http://ulc.net Newsletter related email: news@ulc.net Unsubscribe: unsubscribe@ulc.net Editor: Brother Kevin (pastor@ulc.net) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this issue: What's new at ULC.NET? Directory of ULC ministers Legal update Newsletter Special Eden Children Orphanage Ministers Write Looking for others ======================= What's New at ULC.NET? ======================= If you haven't visited the web site in a while, you will notice some nice changes and additions. The design was recently updated, and is now more attractive and easier to navigate. Plus, we've added some neat new features! Links to the new features are provided from the home page, so all you need to remember is ULC.NET! There is now an interesting and busy discussion board. It is open to all, and is a great way to meet new friends, ask questions, and discuss topics of interest to ULC ministers. A brief registration is required in order to post messages in the forum, but it is not required in order to visit and read the messages of others. Come join in the discussion! http://ulconline.com/forum/ Another new feature is our Directory of ULC Ministers. It is an opt-in directory only, so the privacy of those who do not wish to be listed remains protected as always. It is an excellent resource for finding others, and will become even more useful as it becomes populated. Any ULC minister may create a listing in the directory, and you only need provide as much information as you feel comfortable listing. If you officiate weddings, or would be willing to if called upon, you will definitely want to list yourself in the directory. Those who call or write to ULC looking for ministers will be directed there so if you want to be found, be sure to add your listing! You will find the directory at: http://ulc.net/directory/ ============== Legal Update ============== Within the USA, the First Amendment guarantees ULC ministers the same standing as any other minister. The text of the First Amendment is unambiguous, and subsequent court decisions have repeatedly affirmed the obvious: "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that NO official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us." -United States Supreme Court (1943) West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 US 624. "Neither this Court, nor any branch of this government, will consider the merits or fallacies of a religion. Nor will the Court compare the beliefs, dogmas, and practices of a newly organized religion with those of an older, more established religion. Nor will the Court praise or condemn a religion, however excellent or fanatical or preposterous it may seem. Were the Court to do so, it would impinge on the guarantees of the First Amendment." -James F. Battin, U.S. District Judge Universal Life Church vs U.S. (1974) Despite the clear guidelines provided by law, governments have a tendency to encroach on the rights of the people, and ULC continues to fight legal battles in defense of religious freedom. Fortunately, the law is very clear, so these battles are generally short-lived! A few years ago, the Attorney General of Tennessee opined that ULC ministers could not officiate marriages, but promptly retracted his opinion upon realizing how egregiously in error he was! Most recently, the Utah legislature passed a new law, which was scheduled to take effect at the end of April. In summary, the law states that ministers who are ordained by mail or over the Internet cannot officiate marriages. ULC has already obtained an injunction preventing the law from taking effect until a court can hear the matter. The judge issuing the injunction noted the Constitutional problem created by the law, and has directed the Utah Attorney General to address these concerns. There is little doubt that the law will be struck down quickly. If the law is permitted to take effect, ULC ministers who wish to officiate marriages in Utah will have to become ordained by phone, fax, in person, by carrier pigeon, or some other means. Utah ministers who have a need for updated information on this may contact the attorney, Brian M. Barnard, 214 E Fifth South St., SLC 84111 Phone (801) 328-9531. For some time now, New York City has been denying ULC ministers permission to officiate marriages. The city cites an irrelevant court case from 1972 to support their position, but they are blatantly wrong, and ULC has a legal team researching and preparing to take this on soon. Although these battles have been won every time they have been fought, we are reminded that it is the nature of government to oppress. Let us not take any of our freedoms for granted. We can be sure that whatever rights we do not regularly assert and work diligently to maintain will be eroded. Since its inception, the Universal Life Church has been on the forefront of the battle to preserve religious freedom! It is fundamental to the doctrine of the church and essential to spiritual growth. ======================= NEWSLETTER SPECIAL ======================= I'm sorry to announce that the military surplus minister manuals are now completely gone. This was a one-time special find, and I do not foresee any more becoming available. However, I do want to continue the tradition of including a special offer in the newsletter, and I think you'll agree that this package is something special! Even if you already have these materials, you may wish to consider getting a package for a friend. These packages will be available until May 31, 2001 to newsletter subscribers only! Newsletter Package $125.00 ($175 value) Includes: Universal Textbook, ordination credential, wallet credential, marriage certificate, renewal of marriage certificate, affirmation of love certificate, five baptism certificates, a minister's window shield, your choice of special title from the approved list, and your choice of either the Ph.D. in Religion or the SOUL Clinic course. To get this special, go to: http://ulc.net/shop/aprilnews.htm You must place your order through the web site prior to June 1st in order to qualify for this price. Those who wish to order by postal mail can place the order through the web shopping cart. At checkout, you will have the option to print your completed order form for mailing. ======================== Eden Children Orphanage ======================== I recently had the pleasure of meeting one of God's servants who is engaged in a heart- warming mission of mercy and compassion for the children of poverty-ridden Haiti. While enroute to a vacation destination, Charles LeMorzellec stopped off in Haiti to check on the welfare of a friend who had gone there to work in an orphanage. He found her, along with 30 orphan children, living in a dirty ramshackle building, without electricity or proper sanitation. Rats were everywhere, and the children had little more than rice and beans to eat. The desperate situation moved him deeply, and he cancelled his vacation plans and set about working to improve the lives of these poor children. "I knew that the Lord had called me there to help those orphans. With God's help, I was able to make some important contacts and set some long term goals to help the orphanage move forward. I was able to locate a new site for the orphanage, a large house on land with bountiful fruit trees and a view of the sea. Like everything in Haiti, it has drawbacks. There is no road to the site, nor fixtures of any kind in the building. But there are no rats, no trash!" Upon his return to the USA, Charles founded a non-profit organization for this project, and has begun acquiring donations of supplies, clothing, and of course monetary contributions. "A little love goes a long way in Haiti. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these poor orphans." For more information, or if you'd like to volunteer your help with this project, visit the Eden Children web site: http://www.edenchildren.org ==================== Ministers Write ==================== Do you have a story to tell? Why not share it with others? You may want to write about how you came to be involved with the Universal Life Church. Perhaps you have had an interesting experience with your ministry, or have spiritual thoughts or insights you would like to share with others. Send it to news@ulc.net, and we may include it in a future issue! Here are some stories from others who have been willing to share their thoughts with you! Everyone believes differently about spiritual things, even those sitting side-by- side on a church pew. Enjoy the thoughts of others, as you may learn from them, even when you disagree! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dear fellow Ministers: I read the comments of a brother who stated it was so easy to become ordained that it seemed trite. Let us think about this in a solemn way. The passage to Heaven is so easy and painless, many overlook the value of attaining divine acceptance. God gave a simple message that has been distorted by churches the world over and we can accept his truth. What is required to obtain spiritual acceptance? To believe God (in his son) died for our sins, past, present and future. [We will not have to atone for them] To believe God will keep every promise he made in the scriptures. To believe he will have prepared a place for you when you die. Simple, easy, a babe can understand this. But, no other Church allows such a pure simple message to be preached because they want you to have a guilty conscious to bleed you of money, to control you spiritually and politically. We have a chance to spread God's simple truth to the world. Remember if one always does the right thing toward everyone you are living Gods way. So simple, so true. Respectfully yours, Rev. John Ely ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I was ordained in 1999, but I never really preached or did more than teach one-on-one and try to live an example. Recently I was asked to do the Sunday service for the Texas Lesbian Conference. I started to refuse as usual, when that quiet voice said "It's time." Thanks to ULC, I'm finally doing what I wanted and felt urged to do even when I was a teenager. Wish me well! Thanks, Kimberly A. Howard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My son Rev. Matt Russo was a minister with the ULC for 2 1/2 years before he suddenly and unexpectedly passed away due to complications of muscular dystrophy. My husband and I were the loving parents and caregivers of Matt for 26 blessed and wonderful years. Matt had a business and many interests on the computer and this was truly his lifeline to many good friends. We just discovered this link and have been anxious to know if he corresponded with anyone from the church and someone who could give us a deeper understanding of their belief in the afterlife. Thank you! Dawn Russo > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ====================== LOOKING FOR OTHERS ====================== Ministers wishing to find others for fellowship, correspondence, etc., are welcome to include an announcement in the Newsletter. It is an excellent resource, along with the Directory and Forum discussed earlier in this issue. Send announcements to: news@ulc.net ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hello one and all. Let me introduce my self. I'm Patrick Sr. I reside in California, married with grown children, and grandchildren. If you're of kind heart, like people for who they are, like to help those who are less fortunate, and can find good even when bad sticks its head up, drop me a line! Patrick R.Sr. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have been a ULC minister since 1979. I live in central Illinois, near Peoria and Galesburg. If there are any other central Illinois ULC ministers out there (or who might be interested in the ULC), send me a message. I do services twice a month at a local nursing home and I do pulpit supply in area churches. Rev. Joel Bjorling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I want to get friends to get in touch and have fellowship in the future. We need people to pray for us and for our projects in India. Our projects include Church on the Rock, St. James Matriculation School, St. James Tailoring School, medical services, orphanage, and other developments. God bless you! Rev.David K.Selvaraj ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I live in the Tulsa area and would love to hear from other ULC ministers in Oklahoma! Rev. Randall Rice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I would like to be listed in Universal Life Church News. I like your newsletter. Excellent! Curt Jablin Scottsdale, AZ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have been ordained for some time now and must confess that a lot of the people that I have told about my new ordained status simply snicker in disbelief. This is quite disheartening but nevertheless a reality I must (and probably many of us) must accept. I am sure glad that I have this newsletter now and can read up on how others like me are doing. If there is anyone in Tennessee that has become ordained, I would love to hear from you. Sister in Christ Shiela Hargett ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am interested in meeting or contacting ULC ministers in the south Florida area. Rev. Don Johnson West Palm Beach, FL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I live in Broward County, Florida and I would like to establish contact with other ministers in my area. I am interested to found a temple to continue the teaching of ULC, and other interesting topics (metaphysics, theosophy, etc.). I would especially like to contact ministers in Latin America and Spain, as well as Hispanics living anywhere in the USA. Magda < SyncreticTemple@aol.com> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rev. Alicia G. Cantu San Antonio, TX 78247 Phone: (210) 490-7232 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am ordained by ULC and would like to connect with others in the VA area. Rev. Russell Glenn Bradshaw, Sr. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am seeking correspondence from other ULC ministers. I would like to develop a think tank if you will. I believe that there are some great voices and minds out there, and if we combined them, we would have a pool of stimulating insights. I think that a letter of wisdom, from time to time would serve to bolster the faith, and return the mind to non- secular things. I think that we should always remember, that this life is fleeting, and we should try to make it as full and enjoyable as possible. Thank you all so much. Reverend Timothy A Bilonick PO Box 83 Dilliner, PA 15327 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At this time I am working on legislative issues effecting the disabled. I do peer counseling. I am also on the far side of one very hard year of cancer treatment. Write often. I enjoy hearing from people! Douglas W. St.Clair ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am interested in starting a ULC congregation here in Germany. Are there any ministers who know how to do this in Germany? What are the rights and duties of a local church? Does anybody know how to get information about tax-law for German local churches? Please answer to: Ich habe von der Möglichkeit gehört, eine Kirchenfiliale der ULC zu eröffnen. Im Internet finde ich nicht, wie das geht. Was sind die Rechte und Pflichten einer Kirchenfiliale? Falls diese Kirchenfiliale Gewinne erzielt (z.B. duch Spekulation), müssen diese dann versteuert werden? Gilt dabei das Steuerrecht des Filialstandortes, oder das Californische (ULC-Sitz)? Kennt jemand eine Quelle, die über Steuerfragen für den Standort Deutschland informiert? Behandelt das Buch: 'Tax and Financial Guide for Churches' auch deutsche Kirchen? Antwort erbeten an: u.finance@web.de Peace, T. Urban ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ULC minister in Taos, NM looking for others in the area. Jeannie Zandi jeannie@taosnet.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have recently been ordained in to the ULC. I am living in the Republic of Ireland and would be interested in hearing from any one with experience of how the system works here. Beren De Hora ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am interested in contacting any other Australian members of the Universal Life Church, with a view to discussing matters such as problems creating a new congregation within this country, possible legal matters that may arise, etc. Rev. Alex Costello ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am moving to Chandler, AZ (near Phoenix) and would like to meet with other members in the area. Scott Kelly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have been with the Church since 1994. I would like to connect with others in the Universal Life Church, especially those who live in the New Jersey area. Kathleen M. Rusinko ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I became ordained through the Universal Life Church about one year ago. I have always been disappointed with the way most churches operate and was glad to find one that accepted people for what they believe and not how much they could conform or how much they could give. Recently, I was reported to Child Protective Services for being a "minister of a non-Christian church". It deeply saddens me that people are so judgmental of others and fail to understand that it is okay to believe in something besides Christ. I am a devoted father and a proud member of the Universal Life Church. I believe in our philosophy and I do that which is right every day of my life. Thank you for being there and respecting my freedom. Reverend David Corbett ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hello! I am new to the organization. I became an Ordained Minister on February 3, 2001, and I am very proud to be a part of ULC. I love God and our lord Jesus Christ and I wanted to be able to join people together in holy matrimony, perform Baptismal, Christenings etc. I am in the Redding, California area and looking for other ministers in my area to join with to renew and enforce my faith. Kelly Braz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I I am a ULC minister in Rochester, New York. I was actually ordained in 1973, but have not done anything with it. I am thinking of finally getting active, but it would help to know of other ministers in the greater Rochester area to talk to, and perhaps to work with. Lee Strong ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I want to establish my own church for really charitable purpose. Is there anybody out who knows if the authorities in Germany will permit a congregation of ULC? Please send your experiences to Ich wuerde gerne eine eigene Kirche fuer wirklich wohltaetige Zwecke gruenden. Gibt es irgend jemand, der weiss, ob die deutschen Behoerden eine Filialkirche der ULC anerkennen wuerden? Infos bitte an juergen@js-net.de Best wishes from Germany Juergen Schuhmair ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am intersted in meeting other ministers in the NYC area. Please respond to Trincolo1976@aol.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Anyone in my area? Connie in Benton City, WA. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have recently been ordained in the Universal Life Church and would like to get in touch with other ministers in the Denver, Co. metro area, or another area of CO. Look forward to hearing from you. Terri ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Looking For Rev. Nathan Wolf, a ULC minister whom I last contacted in 1975 at Bingo World in Charleston, SC. Rick Gaskin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am looking for other ministers that live in Arizona... I would like to make new friends and chat. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hello! I am thrilled to be Ordained into the Universal Life Church (4/26/01)! I am a Professional Counselor who uses Spiritual and Motivational techniques in all my counseling sessions. I believe in a holistic approach to healing, and being a Minister of the Church will only add to my ability to help and reach others. I live in Ventnor, NJ, and would love to meet others of ULC who follow a spiritual path of Life and purpose. Peace & Love, Riana ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Seeking ULC church in Colorado Springs area or people who would be interested in forming open minded membership group in that area. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am an ordained minister through ULC. I am wiccan, and perform wiccan ceremonies. I would like to share information with other people of the wiccan religion. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Looking for others in Central Iowa Rev, Dr. Billy Dunbar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just looking for ULC ministers in the Austin, TX area and the Bloomington, Indiana area. I'm personally from Austin and my co-minister is in Bloomington. Just looking for inspirational conversation. Patrick D.Wentworth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Looking for ministers in Australia. Des Wiggins ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DINGLE ~ IRELAND in July. Join a small women only group I will be leading to this beautiful sacred place. Deadline is soon. Storytelling, Goddess centered rituals, walking, exploring ancient stone places. Meg < megalla@west.net> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi! I am newly ordained and would like to meet like-minded people in my area, S/E Florida (Deerfield Beach to Ft. Lauderdale). Looking forward to hearing from you. Rod Sanderson ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thanks for participating with the ULC community by reading the newsletter! Next newsletter is due in June. Will you be in it? © Copyright 2001, Universal Life Church Online