Lida Hensley's Memorial Service

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I know that many of you would have liked to be able to attend the memorial service for Lida. And I can tell you that it was clear to me that the family and staff at Headquarters were well aware of the many people who could not attend, but who were there in their hearts.

Because I have the good fortune to live only a short drive from Modesto, I was able to attend, and would like to share my experience with you here.

The little church was filled to capacity with those who had come to remember the life of this great lady. There was a line of people waiting to crowd into the church, and even after the service began, more people continued to arrive to take the "standing room only" spots at the back of the church.

Andre, and other members of the family actively greeted arrivals as they approached the church, and clearly conveyed the message that this was to be a day to celebrate Lida's life. There were cards, flowers and emails from around the globe on display, including a print-out of the forum topic, which was posted right at the entrance to the church. A slide show with photos of Lida's life and family ran continuously as well.

In typical ULC service format, following some preliminary words from Andre and a few other family members, there was an open forum for any and all to speak. A lot of people rose to tell of things they remembered of Lida's life and the way she influenced the lives of so many. Her quick wit and chronic hospitality were things that many remembered about her in particular. I'm sorry I don't remember who told the story, but one of the family remembered how when the ambulance came to treat her after her fall, the paramedic asked if she had hit her head on the ground when she fell. She joked back at him, pointing out that she was lying on concrete, so how could she have hit her head on the "ground?"

Many spoke of the way Lida and Kirby had personally influenced their lives, such as offering employment with the church at a time when they were unable to make ends meet or find work elsewhere. Or how open and friendly Lida and Kirby were to everyone, friend and stranger alike, regardless of their station in life. The enduring love in Kirby and Lida's marriage was the subject of many comments as well, and there could be no doubt to anyone attending that Lida's role in the development of the church was significant. A few of the attendees shared poems they had written, or sang a special song. Although tears were shed by many, the prevailing emotion was one of love, and of appreciation for a life well-lived.

Following the service, Andre and Manzanita released a pair of doves at the sidewalk in front of the church. Then a few tables were pulled together to accomodate an abundant selection of home made foods served banquet style. Most in attendance remained to enjoy breaking bread with friends, new and old, whose lives had been impacted by Lida and the church she and Kirby built together.

Copy of the program from Lida's memorial service:


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Thanks for posting this! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello to you personally. Yesterday and the preceding week are just a blur to me, as I am sure they are for Andre. In the beginning, when we began planning the service, it seemed there was an abundance of time-2 weeks to be exact and then bam! It was days before the event and sooo many things left to do.

You mentioned the family member who related Lida's quip about landing on concrete, not the ground; that was Diane Hensley, which is Andre's wife, Lidas daughter-in-law and my mother-in-law. Again, thank you for posting such a lovely recap of the service for those who were unable to attend. Our entire family was amazed, but not surprised, at the amount of people who came to support us and pay their last respects to Lida.

CJ Hensley

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank You very much, Bro. Kevin , for Your information to read here. And also for the jpg.file . So I am able to habe an imagination of her memorial day.

I am mourning about Lidas passing too, but I think she never will be forgotten.

She will live further in her children and grandchildren and of course in the ULC created by her husband and administered by her.

Peace and blessings

Rev. Dirk-Ditmar Wunsch

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Family

I am so saddened to hear of Lidias passing, the ULC has provided a haven

for the people who were guided by God to the Church, I am in Perth, Australia

and I send my sincere love and hugs and best wishes to you all.

The Hensleys changed my life and my world. Thank you for your life Lydia and the amazing spirit within you which guided so many

Tess McNamaraxxxx

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  • 4 months later...
  • 8 months later...
Thank you brother kevin, this is truly a sad time for all of her family and her extended family. She was truly blessed and I know in my heart she is in heaven with the lord Jesus Christ . We will keep her and her family in all of our daily prayers.

I am there with you spirit and in truth!

Brother Gary :thumbu:

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  • 3 months later...
Thank you, Brother Kevin.

I am so sorry for your loss..

But be comforted in the thought that she is with Kirby rejoicing in Heaven.

I did not have the blessing of knowing her or Kirby, what tears are shed for them here on earth,

can not compare to the rejoicing that is happening in Heaven, when another Saint comes home.

God Bless,


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