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Welcome to the Interpath Academia & Scholarship Forum Area

Interpath Dialogue, Universal Virtues and Values


Please take a moment to read the following:


Locked topics are old topics. Feel free to start a new topic based on a locked topic to open new, updated conversation with people who visit the forum currently.

Hopefully the forum description and helpful keywords will help you determine if your topic is correct for this area. The keywords are only for guidance and suggestion. They can be viewed where you go to read and start topics within the forum area.

Some subject matter for your topics will be "crossover" and may fit into several different places. You should only choose one area to post your topic in.

When posting a topic that can go into multiple areas:

Please consider: Who is the audience you want to be presenting your topic to? Who you would like to receive a response from primarily?



If you hope for a response coming mostly from the Earth-Based & Indigenous Religions for the question "What Does God Mean to You?" - post the question in the forum where the practitioners hold their discussion.
If the question is posted in our Monotheist forum, the responses will be different. We ask that you choose one area for your topic and don't spam across all of them for the same question. If you want a general poll, then post it in the Interpath Dialogue forum instead of a focus group.


Note: No group is excluded from posting a reply in any area. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate everywhere. Others who do not study the same practice are welcomed to add comments and questions to compare, contrast and learn. If the topic isn't in an area focused on your own belief system, do not hijack the topic to make it all about you!


No Territory

The Interpath forums are designed so that we can observe, identify with, or learn more about central tenets and practices of other ideologies. We can observe groups engaging more naturally, using customary common greetings and observe each other using practitioner's vocabulary in the proper context of conversation vs explanation or definition. Interpath forums are not territories with exclusive borders.

It is wise to assume that practitioners of every single belief system listed and even those not listed on the forum already exist here as registered members and regular visitors, or may be a lurking guest visitor who views and reads the forums. We will not fear bullying, ridicule or humiliation for our beliefs. We will feel welcome, invited and encouraged to share and learn in this space.


Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply on the forum:

The ULC Online Statements, Rules and Policies



If there are any questions or concerns regarding posts or replies for this forum your volunteer moderator is here to assist.


Your moderator is:  TBD



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