Picture For An Indesign Project

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Okay, so I'm taking Graphic Design 130 this semester at the community college. The instructor wanted us to create a biography/resume for ourselves and to use any photo(s) that we wanted, either pictures of ourselves, nature, drawings, ect. so long as they weren't copyrighted or bootlegged from Google.

This is also a design I made for Looking For Paradise: Primera Parte & Segunda Parte.

The girl lying down is Limerence McKenzie and the one sitting up is Ravynn McKenzie. Looking For Paradise is © to JukePopSerials and myself and now that I've shared it here - ULC as well.

The medium for this is all digital. I used GIMP as the program to produce this piece. To look at other artwork of mine you can easily go to my DeviantART account. (:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh good Goddess, my childhood!

I always love looking at these pictures. Not because of the entire "hippy" generation dealie but because when I look at these kind of images I can taste them, I can feel them and take not only my physical eyes but spiritual eyes to another world.

This is awesome. (:

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