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Technology as defined by the cat:

Laptop - that thing from your hips to your knees that I sit on.

Desktop - that flat surface I lie on, especially when you're doing that thing you call "working."

Mouse - my favorite toy!

Input - that stuff in the dish.

Output - that stuff in the litter box.

Curser - the human when I wake him or her up two hours "early" to get input.

Sleep mode - that 23 hour state I enter after processing input into output.

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Technology as defined by the cat:

Laptop - that thing from your hips to your knees that I sit on.

Desktop - that flat surface I lie on, especially when you're doing that thing you call "working."

Mouse - my favorite toy!

Input - that stuff in the dish.

Output - that stuff in the litter box.

Curser - the human when I wake him or her up two hours "early" to get input.

Sleep mode - that 23 hour state I enter after processing input into output.

so true :)

our two have a butler in the form of my husband. they have him "come stare at my water bowl with me", "open the refrigerator, I want cold water", "let me in" followed immediately by "let me out", "let's take the dog for a walk" and "what do you mean you don't want me to sit in the sink"?

cats, cats, cats ... sigh ... >^..^<

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The list of technology defined by cats was super cool Br Devon...hope ya don't mind if we pass this along.

Speaking of "output" reminded me of our"Lil'Bit" (HerBe) and "Jojo" (Turbo) as the official "potty patrol". When either of us goes to the toilet they are right behind us and jump up on the sink and curl up in the basin...of course being very attentive to what's going on. Jojo fills the basin, (now 25#) and that means Lil'bit has to sit on the edge. Our standing up is the "signal" to spring into action and for either, or both, to go stand straddling the seat, watching the business swirl down the big drain...until the glug-glug-glug of the flush....then tear off in rocket mode out the door and down the hallway!

If "HerBe" is by herself and doesn't curl up in the sink, she'll stand in it pawing at the handle for us to turn the water on....then plays like a kid in a fire hydrant! When she's done, she is soaked to the bone, nose to tail and then of course spends the next 1-2 hours licking. She comes and sits on the edge of tub while we're showering as well so I think she's just mimicking a shower. Almost every night she gets caught by the auto-timer on the sprinkler in the planter bed where she loves to lay, yet we've watched her not move for at least 5-10 seconds....but then there's the "cat's hate water" thing...NOT this one!!

I think she may have been a Labrador or Retriever in her last life!

Blessings of Peace,

And btw, both my brother and I have had four cats in all that have actually used the toilet for their box. His 1 and my 2 others were trained and one I had years ago "Tanga" (short for "Tanganasher", "one that nashes their teeth" one of Thor's goats) started doing it out of watching me I guess...all I know was nothing in the litter box and one day catching him sitting on the edge of the seat 'going'....yep.....CATs!!! >^..^<

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