Ann Margret Singing As A Teen


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Cute--the dancing even better, and those legs--and I am no man :derisive: were I--she would be my pick!--

But here is a song of old--I was introduced to when I was 25 by a special person that taught me all about what matters really in life--many things, one being; What matter often the most is what is between your ears, and the other that the body is merely a vehicle to cart our soul around,--well what can I say I grew up in a convent, and what did I know. So--off went the clothes on with the lights... :crazyeyes: -- what does it matter he said is not how one looks, but how we function, feel and act--and more. But this song is truly great!!!

blessings +Bp Corey,


Edited by Tündér
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That may be, but you can't use this movie to prove it. A-M was already in her twenties, 22 to be exact, when the movie was made.

oh yeah, she was born in the 40s, I mean her part is as a teen.

wierd movie, I always thou it was a parody of Elvis going into the army,

but it's a parody of Conway Twitty leaving rock and rock for country.

Conway Twitty - Conrad Birdie.

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