Through Me Gnosis Comes Forth

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Here's an excerpt from a text that is rarely discussed:

"It is through me that Gnosis comes forth. I dwell in the ineffable and unknowable ones. I am perception and knowledge, uttering a Voice by means of thought. I am the real Voice. I cry out in everyone, and they recognize it (the voice), since a seed indwells them."

— Trimorphic Protennoia.

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Thanks I never heard that before.....I should really check out some of your Facebook Gnostic links sometime, I just can't pull myself away from chess, scrabble and Words with friends long enough lol.....I will read this one now though

Whew that is hard reading. A deeper knowledge of the Aeons and Gnostic Creation might have made it more pleasueable

Edited by Fawzo
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Bro. Hex,

I read through this article, and though several passages had a familiar ring to them, the reading left me confused on multiple levels. The meanings of several of the titles assigned to the beings described (Protennoia, Epinoia, Tartaros, Meirothea, etc.) are beyond my ability to decipher through context, and are not defined in any reference resource I can access. I also find it puzzling that you denounce the Bible as a false and corrupted compilation, but accept the translation of an such an obscure piece of prose as "holy" scripture. Why are you so convinced that these writings are from an authentic group of the followers of the Christ and not the work of a heretical sect that integrated the beliefs of another religion with the teachings of Jesus? Or do you acknowledge (but ignore the fact) that these fragments of text are at least as suspect (if not more suspicious) than the Biblical sources you disparage?

Edited by Songster
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Bro. Hex,

I read through this article, and though several passages had a familiar ring to them, the reading left me confused on multiple levels. The meanings of several of the titles assigned to the beings described (Protennoia, Epinoia, Tartaros, Meirothea, etc.) are beyond my ability to decipher through context, and are not defined in any reference resource I can access.

I also find it puzzling that you denounce the Bible as a false and corrupted compilation,

I am sorry if I have given the impression that I "denounce" the Bible...I don't denounce it, I just don't rely on it.

There are many parts of the Bible that I treasure... (example: Micah 6:8) but there are other parts I do not (example: Leviticus).

but accept the translation of an such an obscure piece of prose as "holy" scripture.

I will accept any scripture as holy...if it speaks to me with an authentic voice.

Why are you so convinced that these writings are from an authentic group of the followers of the Christ and not the work of a heretical sect that integrated the beliefs of another religion with the teachings of Jesus?
I am not at all convinced that Trimorphic Protennoia was written by any followers of Jesus. In fact, I am rather certain that it is a Greek Pagan contribution... I am also relatively certain that it was treasured by a group of Coptic Christians for its insight and authentic voice. In any event, it "speaks to me". Hope this helps clarify where I stand... I certainly do not wish to disparage a scripture that someone else treasures...even when i do not relate to it. .

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Here's an excerpt from a text that is rarely discussed:

"It is through me that Gnosis comes forth. I dwell in the ineffable and unknowable ones. I am perception and knowledge, uttering a Voice by means of thought. I am the real Voice. I cry out in everyone, and they recognize it (the voice), since a seed indwells them."

— Trimorphic Protennoia.

To discuss your question Br.Hex would defeat our purpose of this group--for again as when we discuss the Bible or any other spiritual belief there is always a `pro or contra`view--none of us can prove anything , simply argue about it. Theology is a subject that falls into the realms of legend, myth and the mystical--thus holy, mysterious and unknowable. But then I am no theologian. To me the gnostic view --the cosmology and wisdom is just as valid as any other sacred writing. But who has real `gnosis`--who can say. Again I have to state my favourite phrase` we are in the same boat, only sitting in a different section --rowing to the same destination`. Thus what one sincerely believes is the truth--is the way.

As with all things of spirit, it is really just a matter of faith. You believe or you don`t--we only have myths, legends from sacred, inspired writings from ones who perhaps were more enlightened or those who had a connection to the higher realms, some of us would say --Universal Mind /Consciousness/Source or --God.

Thus it all depends what you believe, what faith you hold as your compass or what religion shows you the way of understanding that which is beyond understanding,beyond comprehension and beyond man--but we still have the need to search, for we feel the need to know, or feel that we are more than `nothing` that perhaps in some way we are part of some `divine power`.

Most religions have a creation cosmology--however all of them are simply myths and legends. We either believe it all, or parts of it--we have the need to believe or then nothing makes sense--to most of us anyway, not all.Perhaps it gives a sense of belonging , of feeling that there has to be something more and that we, as humans are the most special part of creation separate from other forms of life. the chosen ones.

~Blessed are those who believe who not yet have seen~ --I doubt than in human form we have the capability of vision. Gnostic wisdom has much to awaken within us that which sleeps--and to me it proves that Sophia is well within the human spirit be it distilled found in the writings from the Gita, the Bible, the Koran, the Apocryphon of John , the Trimorphic Protennoia or any other important sacred text, legends and mythology. We can all learn from them for they light a path towards the spirituality of man.

Thank you for posting an excerpt from this ancient faith wisdom-religion.

Blessings and light,


Edited by sarkany
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Most religions have a creation cosmology--however all of them are simply myths and legends. We either believe it all, or parts of it--we have the need to believe or then nothing makes sense--to most of us anyway, not all.Perhaps it gives a sense of belonging , of feeling that there has to be something more and that we, as humans are the most special part of creation separate from other forms of life. the chosen ones.

~Blessed are those who believe who not yet have seen~

--I doubt than in human form we have the capability of vision. Gnostic wisdom has much to awaken within us that which sleeps--and to me it proves that Sophia is well within the human spirit be it distilled found in the writings from the Gita, the Bible, the Koran, the Apocryphon of John , the Trimorphic Protennoia or any other important sacred text, legends and mythology. We can all learn from them for they light a path towards the spirituality of man.

Thank you for posting an excerpt from this ancient faith wisdom-religion.

Blessings and light,


Blessed are those who neither see nor believe, and yet still they trust.

May the Peace which passes understanding

be with you, and with many, worlds without end.


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As we read the words of our mystics of the past and present, we must read as if we drink a good cognac. We must not read in a hurry, we must let those words -- like the good congnac -- enter into our being and do their work. Our Gnostic forefathers wrote in a very profound and allegorical manner. Let those words fill us with their spirit, it was, is, and will be the Gnostic way.

Hermano Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

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Hex, Though I have been surprised by several of your comments on the Bible, never have I considered your opinions to be abrasive or abusive, and I did not mean for my post to convey any animosity towards you personally. I am curious about the criteria you use to accept or reject "inspired" writings. Does it have to be a recognized relic from an ancient age to meet your muster, or would a collection of recent writings be just as welcome? Is your acceptance of Gnostic/Coptic texts based on a perceived "hidden" knowledge unavailable in the Bible or other sources, or is it based purely on an emotion evoked when reading them?

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Hex... I did not mean for my post to convey any animosity towards you personally.

Understood (and anticipated).
I am curious about the criteria you use to accept or reject "inspired" writings. Does it have to be a recognized relic from an ancient age to meet your muster, or would a collection of recent writings be just as welcome?
I assume that most folks here are familiar with the concept (from physics) of "a resonant frequency" which induces a sympathetic harmonic in a suitable "receptor". That is how it is for me. I wish I could be more specific than that...

but I cannot. And the antiquity of the work in question is not crucial... I prize some works of relative modernity (such as "Exegesis" by the late Phillip K. Dick).

Is your acceptance of Gnostic/Coptic texts based on a perceived "hidden" knowledge unavailable in the Bible or other sources, or is it based purely on an emotion evoked when reading them?
The short answer is: "both". While "hidden" might be an adequate description of many of the works that surfaced at Nag Hammadi, the word "suppressed" is a "better fit" for explaining my initial attraction to those works. I want to ponder for myself "the why" of the suppression of these works. Later on, it is "the works themselves" that determine which ones I value in the long run. As for how the Bible enters into this equation for me, I only consider the NT to be genuinely and exclusively "Christian", so that is the part that most interests me. The texts at Nag Hammadi that are identifiably Christian particularly interest me because, unlike the NT, these texts were not subject to revision during the last 1700 years. Edited by Bro. Hex
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