Quiz Question #2


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Bluecat offered a fun challenge with the Quiz Question where we formed a list of words which are their own opposite.

Here is a game we played in our English as a Second Language classes, and because this one is a bit harder, here are the rules:

Take one word, change one or more letters, to get the resulting word. The only hint on each word is a one word definintion. The words are common. To make this round of the game more challenging, those guessing have to supply both words. The challenger will supply only the one word definitions and the number of letters altered from the first word. Each set will have something in common.

The replaced letter(s) do not have to be in the first word, but both words will contain the same number of letters.

Example: Delicious to Disgusting in one letter change (five letter words, one letter replacement).

Answer: Tasty becomes Nasty.

The T is replaced with an N. The common link is that both words are used to describe food.

Ready to play?

Secured to apart in two letter changes (six letter words - no replacements)

Blouse to dress in one letter change (five letter words - one replacement)

Poison to killed in one letter change (four letter words - one replacement)

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Poison to killed in one letter change (four letter words - one replacement)

lead and dead

male to disrobed in one letter change (four letter words, one replacement)

dude and nude

bovine to swine in one letter change (three letter words, one replacement)

cow and sow
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