The Secret To A Successfull Marriage

Hyper Real

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~ Strive for it anyway... ;)

No one can be happy all the time, true.

But if people that are married don't take each other as furniture & treat other kindly & communicate, it makes it easier to adjust, adapt & overcome.

Don't let piddlies accumulate, small annoyances should be addressed before they become rhinocerii riqocheting rampatiously!

{I know, sorry ;) ... Been one of those days.}

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  • 5 weeks later...

My wife and I grew up together, we played together in elementary school, hated each other in middle school, became friends and then sweethearts in high school, and married shortly after. The key for us has always been friendship. If, God forbid, we ever divorce, it won't be the lost marriage but the lost friendship that I'll mourn. There's never been a day I wanted to spend with anyone but her.

PS: it also helps to bring home flowers and gifts for her just 'cuz, tell her you love her and why you love her everyday, oh and always ALWAYS put down the lid...She deserves it.

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I love this video, and even in the video they show you do not always have to agree, you can fuss and argue, but you also need to laugh and they do this very well. No union is perfect to even expect it is to me silly, but when you like as well as love the other person, respect them and want to be with them then laughter can get you through some of the little frustrations. Over the years each individual finds all the quirks that endear and frustrate them about their partner as well as how to push the others buttons, key is to hang onto the endearments, laugh at the frustrations and keep your fingers off the buttons as often as possible :o)

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