Publishing, As Well

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Okay, I've been working on this story since 2007. In the beginning it was just something cute to come up with to joke about with my friends.

Pretty soon it became a hard-core fan fiction of Fullmetal Alchemist. While messing with it, I created tons of original characters with their own back-stories, ect. Pretty soon, all the original-ness started overshadowing the plot of Fullmetal Alchemist and I was encouraged to write an original story.

So, I did that.

One day, I started making a portfolio of all the stuff that had to do with the story. From drawings, to plot sequences and chapter synopses. I know exactly how I want this story to go; from start to finish. I brought the portfolio to church to show the college youth pastor and ask for her opinion.

Ended up I met this little Asian girl that came from New York. We were talking and while I was moving my bags over to where she was sitting, she asked to see my portfolio. Looking through it, she gasped and asked, "This is beautiful. Do want it published?"

My simple reply was: "Yes."

"I might know some people in New York that can get that done for you."

We exchanged phone numbers, she got married to a guy that was a regular in the college youth program and moved in with him, and started discussing publishing options. I'd already looked at four publishers and spoke with two on the phone. Then I started talking with a local author(she sees me at her work, all the time!) and she suggested to not go with Xlbris because they charge too much and do crappy covers.. But to go to Publish America first because they charge the least. Also, from talking with them on the phone, I'm encouraged to design my own cover and to have illustrations in my book. :D

Okay, the only problem now is this; Sitting down to write. I love writing. I don't have a deadline.

I'm at a road block; I have so many things going on, like trying to redo my house(it's a disaster!) and figuring out ways to pay off my tuition at a local college.. I don't have a job so that frees up some time..

I just need encouragement and motivation to complete this project.

Help? lol

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  • 3 months later...

Why not self publish... you can design your own cover, design how you want the pages to look, you have no deadline. the only thing you will need is someone to proof read your book to make sure you have no misspellings and that everything make sense. That is what I do, I have already published two books.

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