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When young, I spent much time around the Edgar Cayce Institute.

All the conversations lately have reminded me of certain readings from Mr. Cayce.

Some of you may not know how he did his work. He would be contacted by a person wanting a reading. They would either be there in person to ask questions, or he would receive their written questions by mail. The questions he received were of a varied nature.

Mr. Cayce would lie down and go into a trance. ( there is record of very interesting physical phenomena during these sessions ) He would begin speaking and what he had to say would be recorded by his secretary. Mr. Cayce would awake unaware of what had transpired. ( they pulled all sorts of nasty tricks on him to prove whether or not he was " really" in a trance...gotta be careful who you trust... lol )

Where he got his information was sometimes different. At times certain Angels addressed the listeners through Mr. Cayce - rattling the windows in the house and intimidating everyone with their presence, other times Mr. Cayce described accessing the Akashic Record for the information, yet other times different beings of expertise would give specific information through Mr. Cayce.

On this particular occasion we have a request for a reading from the Norfolk Study Group #1, which was the first of the Cayce Study groups which were formed to study the massive amount of written material from the readings.

They were trying to get information about Atlantis, which is a subject people have long been fascinated with, but were not getting the exact cooperation they were hoping for.

I have noticed, throughout the readings, that there is an impatience displayed by the attending spirits ( whichever it may be delivering the material ) for useless questions, or questions which do not immediately relate to serious spiritual matters.... They get downright short at times...

On this occasion, as I said, they are fishing for stuff to satisfy simple curiosity - what they get is a wonderful bonus, if you ask me.

They ask a question which relates to a previous reading, in which it is mentioned that Jesus lived a lifetime in Ur. The spirits get a little snippy but deliver some interesting stuff...

3. (Q) In what country, and in connection with what religion or philosophy, did Jesus live as Ur? [As indicated in 364-7, Par. 8-A.]

(A) Ur was rather a land, a place, a city - and the thought, or intent, or the call was from Ur. Ur, then, as presented or represented in the experience of Jesus, as one that impelled or guided those thoughts in that period, or experience.

4. (Q) What part did Jesus play in any of His reincarnations in the development of the basic teachings of the following religions and philosophies? First, Buddhism:

(A) This is just one.

5. (Q) Mohammedanism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Brahmanism, Platoism, Judaism.

(A) As has been indicated, the entity - as an entity - influenced either directly or indirectly all those forms of philosophy or religious thought that taught God was One.

In the first, as one that associated with - in the meditation or spirit of - that one guiding same, and those things that have been added to are much in the same manner that was added to in Judaism. Whether in Buddhism, Mohammedanism, Confucianism, Platoism, or what - these have been added to much from that as was given by Jesus in His walk in Galilee and Judea. In all of these, then, there is that same impelling spirit. What individuals have done, do do, TO the principles or the spirit of same - in turning this aside to meet their OWN immediate needs in material planes, or places has made for that as becomes an outstanding thing, as a moralist or the head of any independent religious force or power; for, as has been given, "Know, O Israel, the Lord thy God is ONE!" whether this is directing one of the Confucius' thought, Brahman thought, Buddha thought, Mohammedan thought; these are as teachers or representatives, or to make more of the distinct change - as was in that as given by the apostle to the gentiles: "I hear there are divisions among you. Some say I am Paul, another I am Apollos, another I am of Caiaphas. Paul may minister, Apollos may have watered, but it's GOD that gives the increase!" The Spirit of the Creative Force, and as such the Son represented in the spirit in that as was made manifest in the earth. Not as ONLY one, but THE only one; for, as He gave, "He that climbs up any other way is a thief and a robber." As the Spirit of the Master, the Spirit of the Son, was manifest - as was given - to each in their respective sphere. As it is today. As it was of yore. God calls on man everywhere to seek His face, through that channel that may be blessed by the Spirit of the Son - in whatever sphere this may take its form. Because there are contentions, because there is the lack of the giving and taking as to others' thought, does not change God's attitude one whit; neither does it make one above another; for, as has been given, there IS ONLY one - the others are as those acting in the capacity of the thought that was given to them through that same power, that "In the last days has He spoken unto us through the Son, as one born out of due season." We find the same contentions arising in that called in the present denominationalism, and each one crying, "Lo, here is Christ - Lo, this is the manner of approach - Lo, unless ye do this or that ye have no part in Him." "He that loves me will keep my commandments." What are the comandments? "Thou shalt have no other GOD before me", and "Love thy neighbor as thyself." In this is builded the whole LAW and gospel of every age that has said, "There is ONE God!"

There is more to this reading, but I wanted to share this, since it had some relation to our recent conversations. These reading are very interesting, especially if one is a student of many religions... plus they are just plain interesting...

what do you guys think of this?

what do you think this means....?

God calls on man everywhere to seek His face, through that channel that may be blessed by the Spirit of the Son - in whatever sphere this may take its form.

Edited by Brother Michael Sky
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Being a bit skeptical, hearing the speaking entity use the name "Jesus" instead of correcting and using Yeshua's real name gives me even more pause.

In Karen Armstrong's book "Great Transformations" she goes through great depths to show that almost all those religions mentioned branched off from the area of the Russian Steppes, if I am not mistaken.

So while i don't discount the information you posted there seems to pratcical Earthly explanantions for the one source as well. Of course we both know that anywhere on the planet almost any mystic who encounters the Divine is going to walk away with the concept of 'Oneness" firmly entrenched in their mindset.

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Something i have wondered about, maybe someone here can shed some light on this?

Genesis chapter 1, par. 26.

God is making all 'things'...

Now It says, "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness...?


Then It seems to go back to speaking in the singular, only saying US in the one paragraph...?

Someone I know says, "GOD stands for Guardians Of Dimensions...?

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Something i have wondered about, maybe someone here can shed some light on this?

Genesis chapter 1, par. 26.

God is making all 'things'...

Now It says, "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness...?


Then It seems to go back to speaking in the singular, only saying US in the one paragraph...?

Someone I know says, "GOD stands for Guardians Of Dimensions...?

Some Biblical textual scholars will point to the J, E, P, D Hypothesis as the reason for this. Two different source texts the J and the E which were combined. In the portions where God is pluralized the word for God was Elohim and in the other portions the word for God is Yaweh.

The flood story is a perfect example of where these two sources were merged from the two disctinct kingdoms of Judah and Israel to form one text when the Jews were in captivity in Babylon. Up until the captivity the Jews were not a book based religion. Everything was centered around the Temple. After the temple was destroyed they needed something and hence writings were all they had to go with what probably was a myriad of differing oral traditions.

RabbiO can correct me if I am wrong :)

Edited by Fawzo
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Something i have wondered about, maybe someone here can shed some light on this?

Genesis chapter 1, par. 26.

God is making all 'things'...

Now It says, "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness...?


Then It seems to go back to speaking in the singular, only saying US in the one paragraph...?

Someone I know says, "GOD stands for Guardians Of Dimensions...?

It is an issue of Language and the concepts which are marked by those words - it is the very problem with translation....

( we feel we understand the text well, but truthfully - the average understanding is very greatly lacking... )

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Perhaps another point also to consider is Mr. Cayce's physical presence in the 20th century. Calling "Jesus" by that name, instead of the ancient names, is referential, not literal - I would think- mediums do not get word for word transmissions, rather images, broken dialogue, references etc...from what little I know about Edgar Cayce is that due to this process he would become extremely drained/exhausted. I read once that due to demand, he tried getting to all requests, but simply could not keep himself physicallyall the time. From that same biography it also said he held tremendous guilt over not being able to help all that asked for his readings.

I think something that we should take into consideration about Mr. Cayce, and most legitimate mediums, is that not all seek being a medium, many just find themselves having the gift. I don't know how I would react to one day waking up with volumes of information dictated to a stenographer and not having any knowledge of what I said during the session. That would be a bit unsettling to me!

I look forward to more from Mr. Cayce, Brother Sky, so post away me bucko! He is one of the most interesting people I've ever read about and as I've said in our correspondence, it must have been a thrill to grow up so near the Institute! OH! be able to walk those hallowed halls and the varied energies there must have been an exquisite experience!

Blessings of Peace,

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It is an issue of Language and the concepts which are marked by those words - it is the very problem with translation....

( we feel we understand the text well, but truthfully - the average understanding is very greatly lacking... )

It connects to what I was saying in the God's wife thread... I personally feel it is a relatively recent thing that God was divested of his Feminine counterpart.... IMO, of course God has no sex, he would encompass ALL qualities - as we mature as a race we begin to see there is no paradox...

The WE in god includes us as well.... IMO

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Something i have wondered about, maybe someone here can shed some light on this?

Genesis chapter 1, par. 26.

God is making all 'things'...

Now It says, "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness...?


Yes. In my view, having spent much research on this, this is my conclusion----and it coincides with the OLDEST WRITING EVER FOUND ON PLANET EARTH which are the tens of thousands of Sumerian Clay Tablets. This passage is talking about the Anunnaki/Elohim genetic creation----a hybrid form----the mixture of a homo erectus and Anunnaki genes to create a ""-----a "primitive worker." This is OUR origin. (But----saying that can get you burned at the stake) Nevertheless, this is the beginning of homo sapiens sapiens.

The word "God" in many places in the Bible does not refer to the First Source of All-That- Is but to "those who from heaven to earth came" whose home was another planet in our own solar system----Nibiru----The planet of the crossing.

Then It seems to go back to speaking in the singular, only saying US in the one paragraph...?

The word "Elohim" is plural. The Anunnaki were called "the gods." The "Elohim" are also sometimes called "Angels." However, they are not merely "Etheric" but have a human bioform---they are "Physical Angels." Some say "fallen angels" which implies that they were altogether EVIL. Not true. Their morality varied just as ours does. They were not Almighty God, the prime creator of all. However, they were fully aware of the First Source, who dwells at the CORE of all things----including THEM, of course. They considered themselves to be the servants and perpetrators of the Divine Will. However, some of them were more genuinely pious than others. Over the millenia, THEY TOO evolved AND CHANGED.

In those early days, advanced ETs landed on earth trying to find a way to deal with their own planetary emergency----but, they were not as highly advanced as some of the ETs who are interacting with us right now here at the end of days, including, once again, the Anunnaki themselves who have evolved and changed and become wiser since those earliest times.

The Anunnaki are our ancestors. The Bible is the story of their dealings with their children----us----as INTERPRETED by various men who wrote the Bible.

The apparent schizoid nature of "God" in the Bible is due to a conflict of opinion among our Anunnaki parents (two brothers representing TWO CLANS---THE SERPENT CLAN and THE RAM CLAN----about how they should deal with their genetic creation. It is a long ongoing internicene conflict between En.lil and

In these days it is coming to a final head with the SHIFT OF THE AGES----an event which this oldest literature on earth called (from the begninng)----THE END OF DAYS.

:seesaw: It is very interesting that OUR OWN inner conflict between the two polarities of "good" and "evil" directly parallels the internicene war between En.lil and But it is not surprising, considering that WE HAVE THEIR GENES.

If one wishes to take these ancient writings as strictly an analogical myth talking about our own inner battle between good and evil, there is much insight to be gained. HOWEVER, the ancient writings label this intervention from the Anunnaki as HISTORICAL and the Anunnaki left behind clues for us that indeed the "gods" DID physically walk the earth. You have the Pyramids, the Great Stone Platform at Balbeck, The Perfectly Fitted Stones at Cuzco (in SA) and countless ooparts, structures, labyrinths and other "out of place" and technologically advanced items from all around the world---not to mention many other pieces of historical evidence, including all the earth's religions, the "myth" of the "gods" AND "GODDESSES" found in EVERY culture on earth etc, and etc.. Also, you have had on earth the idea of KINGSHIP by SUCCESSION, the rule of Law and many other cultural institutions which came directly from the Anunnaki as described in the ancient tablets.

And, last but not least, you have todays UFO/ETI phenomena filling our skies all over the earth. You have signs in the heavens----and signs in the earth. You also have MUCH astronomical INFORMATION passed down from these ancient tablets which was TOTALLY unknown until confirmed by NASA space-probes in the last few years. Information that the ANCIENTS HAD DIRECTLY KNOWN ABOUT AND SPOKEN OF ACCURATELY---NOW CONFIRMED THE ONLY WAY IT COULD BE CONFIRMED----BY SPACECRAFT.

So, OUR ANCESTORS represented a space-faring civilization. And, in the coming age we will too----but----we must QUALIFY. HOW? NO MORE WAR. Then, the quarantine will be lifted.


Edited by nestingwave
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Perhaps another point also to consider is Mr. Cayce's physical presence in the 20th century. Calling "Jesus" by that name, instead of the ancient names, is referential, not literal - I would think- mediums do not get word for word transmissions, rather images, broken dialogue, references etc...from what little I know about Edgar Cayce is that due to this process he would become extremely drained/exhausted. I read once that due to demand, he tried getting to all requests, but simply could not keep himself physicallyall the time. From that same biography it also said he held tremendous guilt over not being able to help all that asked for his readings.

I think something that we should take into consideration about Mr. Cayce, and most legitimate mediums, is that not all seek being a medium, many just find themselves having the gift. I don't know how I would react to one day waking up with volumes of information dictated to a stenographer and not having any knowledge of what I said during the session. That would be a bit unsettling to me!

I look forward to more from Mr. Cayce, Brother Sky, so post away me bucko! He is one of the most interesting people I've ever read about and as I've said in our correspondence, it must have been a thrill to grow up so near the Institute! OH! be able to walk those hallowed halls and the varied energies there must have been an exquisite experience!

Blessings of Peace,

Yes, I certainly agree. The Son of Man is the Son of Man whether you call him Jesus, Joshua, Jmmanuel, Immanuel or Yeshua or Krishna. Take yer pick. He don't mind.


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