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Young Master Alexander Ethan arrived by C-Section a little after 8am EST this morning, weighing in at 6lb 8oz. Everyone is doing well. May he be a light unto the world! My brother sarcastically joked that he wasn't giving him a great name. I suggested if the joy it has brought our families isn't enough that Egypt may be looking for a new leader...


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  • 3 years later...

With my brother's recent injury I've been roped into extra baby-sitting duty and was reminded of this post. It's hard to believe it's been three years already. Here's the little mountain man on one of our nature walks, he refused to believe that hill was too steep to climb! He just kept trying until it started to rain and we headed back in. I guess he's determined to live up to his name; he's certainly as stubborn as the rest of us. I remember falling off a larger cliff very much like this in Germany... ;)


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