Counseling And Wedding


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I have been searching this site and others trying to find an answer to an important question for me.

I became ordained for two to perform weddings but more than that to do family and individual counseling. I need to know if my ordination allows me to counsel people other than religious.

I am taking classes and trying to get my degree in psychology but it takes for ever. I have been helping people "solve" their issues for years. I mostly just lend an ear and do give some advice. I feel my calling is more of a life coach but I really want badly to do the counseling.

Am I able to do this with my ordination from ULC? I want to start my own Native American based ministry.

I was checking out the online store here, at the certificates but they don't really explain them well. I was thinking the S.O.U.L one is the one I should get.

any advise would be appreciated.

btw I'm in the state of Michigan and the laws are so unclear here.

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let me try to help clear it up a little.i am from michigan,and if it could be anymore backward,it would be,well never mind.

in michigan, a minister(spiritual leader is another term)you can do what is called "spiritual consuling".this means you are limited to talking with a person the things concerning the teachings of your religious beliefs(or non beliefs)and those questions arising from it.marriage counselors,life coaches and the rest have to be licensed by the,if a couple is part of your congregation and comes to you for advice on their marriage,you had better be real sure the advice you give falls within the confines of your particular belief system.and for your sake,make real sure you know what your doing.ministers have gotten sued,and it can be a real mess if all you have is an ordination(from anywhere).

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