Happy Yule Everyone!

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I tried searching to see if that was an actual holiday but all that kept coming up was Newton Massachusettes.

I've recently learned that there are Christians who hate Christmas in part because there are non-Christians around who say "Merry Christmas." I've been aware for a few years that there are Christians around who get angry when people say "Happy Holidays." I confess, I'm guilty of both of these.

I really don't want to offend folks, or cause them to hate particular days, but I like the holiday and I don't want to give up on it just because there are some Christians who, in my opinion, are overly concerned about me and what I do and say. So, until I find something better, I'll be celebrating Newtonmass on December 25th.

Merry Newtonmass from impartialism.blogspot.com

Merry Newtonmass from skeptico.blogs.com

Origin of Newton-Day or Newton-Mass from atheistnexus.org

AtheistNexus says this about it:

I came up with lists of scientists, artists, writers, engineers, philosophers and so on, and as far as I can see the least contentious and most likely to be agreed upon list would be that of scientists - the big four being Galileo, Newton, Darwin and Einstein. As it happens, Newton's birthday is December the 25th!

...I wondered if there was anyone better than Newton to select for this day? I was looking for people who had made a positive contribution to society and avoided those who have caused suffering, violence, disruption and worse. Jesus, if he existed and is actually as portrayed in conventional christian views, most certainly fails in this regard, since he surely would have known all the suffering, persecution, violence and death that was to come that would have been carried out in his name.

Compare that to Newton with his Optics, Laws of Motion and Gravitational Attraction, and the Calculus, all one way or another incredibly significant ideas and tools that have shaped and contributed to our world today and no-one has died in his name either. So there really is no contest. If today needs to be a day to remember anyone at all, it should be Isaac Newton.”

I don't know about all that, but I figure that if Jesus really did exist, the chance that he was actually born on Saturnalia (December 25th) is 1 in 365.25 - not such great odds. We know that Isaac Newton was born on December 25th.

In this holiday do folks sit under decorated Apple Trees and eat fig newtons?

:lol: If they'd like. There are no rigid rules in place, but it's mostly have fun, eat a lot, exchange gifts, you know the kind of stuff that Pagans were doing on December 25th for centuries before Christians started copying them.


Edited by Verisoph
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Oy vey! Jesus, Mithras and now Newton as if I don't have enough presents I already have to buy. I'm sticking to Happy Holidays and the irate Christians can go pray to their Lord and ask for tolerance and goodwill towards their fellow man.

I don't have time to figure out whether the person I'm speaking with is Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, Apathetic , Pagan or Christian or even human half the time.

Wishing them a Happy Newtonmass is going to be just as unsettling to them as wishing them Happy Holidays methinks. I do think however we should start leaving Santa an apple and some fig newtons. I heard his cholesterol and triglyceride numbers were up there.

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Oy vey! Jesus, Mithras and now Newton as if I don't have enough presents I already have to buy. I'm sticking to Happy Holidays and the irate Christians can go pray to their Lord and ask for tolerance and goodwill towards their fellow man.

I don't have time to figure out whether the person I'm speaking with is Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, Apathetic , Pagan or Christian or even human half the time.

Wishing them a Happy Newtonmass is going to be just as unsettling to them as wishing them Happy Holidays methinks. I do think however we should start leaving Santa an apple and some fig newtons. I heard his cholesterol and triglyceride numbers were up there.

How dare you even consider wishing anyone a Happy Newtonmass?

It's Merry Newtonmass! :angry:

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Regardless of your faith or lack thereof, Merry Christmas!

Oh, and while I'm at it, regardless of whether or not you recognize the Gregorian calendar, Happy New Year!


And a very Merry, Happy Newton Year to you as well Hooka!

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