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People come to me for services because, I don't charge for weddings. I don't require church membership or premarital counseling. I will preform weddings where you want. I have done weddings in private homes,in parks and on boats. I even have one couple that wants to get married on horse back.I do not discriminate against anyone because of their religion and will do almost any kind of service you want. Pretty much all I require is a valid marriage license. By word of mouth people find out they don't have to jump through hoops to get married and they can have their type of service where they want to have it. People just call me.

You can also place a small add in your local paper. Advertisement will be more important to you if charge for your services.

As for the service itself. You can use the standard service. Sometimes the people who are getting married have input. I started looking for services on the internet.

I have never had to do a funeral service yet.

Good Luck


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